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WTF is up with the NHL?

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The Canucks just scored a goal where Jovo litterally drove CuJo into the back of the net while Cooke jammed in a rebound AND IT COUNTED. This is turning into an absolute fucking joke. They're so concerned about higher goal totals that goalies are getting crushed. I think Darren Pang said it best "Just take a shot and tackle the goalie, it's going to count."

Not only should this goal not have counted, it should have been a penalty for goaltender interference.

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It's Jovanovski, I'm just glad he didn't violate Cujo in other ways.

I'll give him credit, he did jump on top the net to try and stay off of Joseph but damn...

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Some goalie (ie: Belfour) is gonna snap if the interference doesn't stop...and someones gonna get Billy Smithed.

And let's not forget the antics of one Dom Hasek, who could conceiveably "Ron Hextall" someone.

Good job Radio, we just made verbs out of two goalies' names!

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the net was off before the puck went in.

No, your wrong. The net was not off. Jovo lifted the the net up approx. 1/2 inch and so the net was tehcnically not off of its pegs. Jim Hughson explained it thoroughly on Sportsnet Pacific tonight. Even though interference may be in question, Jovo did make an honest effort to get out of Cujo's way. Simply put, Go Canucks.

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the net was off before the puck went in.

No, your wrong. The net was not off. Jovo lifted the the net up approx. 1/2 inch and so the net was tehcnically not off of its pegs. Jim Hughson explained it thoroughly on Sportsnet Pacific tonight. Even though interference may be in question, Jovo did make an honest effort to get out of Cujo's way. Simply put, Go Canucks.

It's still not a goal if the net is lifted. Doesn't matter if it's off the pegs or not.

BTW, I'm a canucks fan, lucky break for us. :P

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the net was off before the puck went in.

No, your wrong. The net was not off. Jovo lifted the the net up approx. 1/2 inch and so the net was tehcnically not off of its pegs. Jim Hughson explained it thoroughly on Sportsnet Pacific tonight. Even though interference may be in question, Jovo did make an honest effort to get out of Cujo's way. Simply put, Go Canucks.

I'm more concerned about the physical contact than the position of the net in relation to the pegs.

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the net was off before the puck went in.

No, your wrong. The net was not off. Jovo lifted the the net up approx. 1/2 inch and so the net was tehcnically not off of its pegs. Jim Hughson explained it thoroughly on Sportsnet Pacific tonight. Even though interference may be in question, Jovo did make an honest effort to get out of Cujo's way. Simply put, Go Canucks.

It's still not a goal if the net is lifted. Doesn't matter if it's off the pegs or not.

BTW, I'm a canucks fan, lucky break for us. :P

Whoops nevermind... apparently they changed the rules

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Our local announcers mentioned the same thing a couple weeks ago. There were literally 4 bodies (2 opposing forwards and 2 defending d-men) in the crease with Patrick Lalime. Somehow Holmstrom jammed the puck in while there were 4 bodies on top of Lalime. As a general statement, I like the higher-scoring NHL....but not like this.

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if anybody watched the pens flyers game, forsberg intentionally dove into m-a fluery and pitkanen or johnnson but it on over the helpless fluery.

it looked as if crosby pushed foppa in, but he was already falling (or diving) into the net

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From The Sporting News on Olaf Kölzig:

"And the 35-year-old Kolzig has absorbed plenty of shots, many of which have nothing to do with flying pucks. If fending off slap shots was his only concern, the former Vezina Trophy winner and two-time All-Star would have no complaints.

But the league's crackdown on obstruction means defensemen can no longer use their sticks or hands to slow down opposing forwards, and several of those attackers have found their way into the crease, taking Kolzig down in the process.

"My biggest issue is the guys crashing the net now," Kolzig said. "It just seems likes there's no holds barred, driving the net and then, whoops, accidentally falling into you. It's tough enough to stop the puck while having guys fall on you at the same time."

I agree that's a downside of the "new" NHL.

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I'm not happy with the calls at all in the last 10 days or so. Scores seem to be going down, goalies are being run and penalties seem to be called whenever they think it's time. 5 minutes will go by with tons of interference, then some chincy ass phantom call happens. It's going both ways in the games I've seen as well. If they want to open it up, open it up, don't worry about the numbers. Call the game and make them adapt. It's screwing up the results because nobody knows how to play. Teams are either taking the we'll never do anything wrong approach, or the who cares, they can't call it all approach. It gives the "obeyers" an advantaged when its called properly, but that seems to be getting less and less frequent.

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I saw the Nucks / Yotes game on TV, and the officiating was pretty good / consistent.

However, I think they should tell the refs to also enforce the goaltender interference, or some goaltender is going to have his knee blown out. I guess Jovanovski's running into CuJo was borderline because it was right after he did a backhand flip shot from in-close on a partial breakaway, but the borderline calls should be made for the safety of the goalies.

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Some goalie (ie: Belfour) is gonna snap (again) if the interference doesn't stop...and someones gonna get Billy Smithed.

fixed that for ya :lol:

Thanks....I wondered when someone might do that.

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