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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Preserving your equipment

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A lot of my equipment has begun to fall apart. Jeff (formerly known as hkychatter) told me that my skates were falling apart because i wasnt airing them out properly. Now I am airing out all my stuff, but it seems to be degrading at the same rate. Is there a better way to preserve one's equipment? Is there a better temperature to keep your equipment in?

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Do you take everything out of the bag though?

What I do is I have a metal shelving unit on wheels in my laundry room. I lay everything out and don't put it back in my bag until I have to use it again.

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I installed pegboard 4" off the wall in my utility room and hang most of my equipment up to dry. That way there's some room for the air to circulate around it. I also hang my skates upside down on pegs with the footbed removed.

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You can buy equipment racks pretty cheap. They work pretty well for airing them out. That should help at least.

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I have a metal gear rack and a wood one I got at the expo. I still think I deserved a better prize than JR.

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Here's the story for you guys...

The Wet Gear guys had a dunk booth at the show...I went up there and shot three balls with a SyNergy...hard shots, they all missed.

Chadd steps up...one shot, bang.

I have my wood one at work hanging in the storage room, the metal one at home.

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when i dont have to take my equipment home, i just hang it up in the locker room. Other then that, i just leave it in my bag or just throw it on the floor in my room. the only problem i have is that my stuff gets really hard and dry. especially my gloves, then i cant even move them. nothing some water doesnt take care of but, its a pain in the ass.

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I have to do that to my Graf gloves, I'm back to my 700s with the kangaroo leather palms. Suckers are rock hard.

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Among the guys in my lockerroom, I'm few and far between in hanging up my gear immediately after every game. Most guys I know leave their gear in their bags in the trunk of their cars or in the garage. Then they bitch about putting on frozen equipment when it's chilly outside.

I knew a guy who put his gloves on (after they had been in his trunk for a month) and got a nice 2 handfuls of mold. Absolutely disgusting.

Common sense figures if you're going to spend hundreds (thousands?) of dollars on equipment, you might as well take care of it.

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I would just say hang it up, and if you don't wear a shirt under your shoulder pads and socks in your skates, you might want to change your ways. Also, like JR said take out your skate liners or the rivets that hold your tuuks (or whatever holder you have one) can rust and fall out (not pretty during the middle of a game!).

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Guest phillyfan

I constructed an equipment rack out of broken sticks, turned out quite nice, and take out all of my equipment after every practice and game and hang them on that. I have a fan in my room and usually turn that on. I let them sit out overnight and they have held up pretty well. I spray this disinfectant on them as well which also helps out the horrible smell.

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i hate drying out my equipment, call me nasty but i hate the feel of dry equipment. But i wear underarmour and i have a few pairs so im always dry with wet equipmnent, if that makes sense.

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Nasty. You know that the "wetness" is just your sweat teeming with billions of bacteria. I'd hate to be the guy changing next to you in the locker room :D

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A lot of my equipment has begun to fall apart.  Jeff (formerly known as hkychatter) told me that my skates were falling apart because i wasnt airing them out properly.  Now I am airing out all my stuff, but it seems to be degrading at the same rate.  Is there a better way to preserve one's equipment?  Is there a better temperature to keep your equipment in?

It might be sacrelige to some, but have you considered getting your equipment washed (either professionally or yourself)? It might help with the degredation in the short term depending on how far your equipment has already "gone. "

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