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New Molson Commercial

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Anybody know the song in the New Molson Canadian Ad? Something like..... What a feeling, Big believing,

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Well Jason im sorry i wasnt born then. I just happen to watch TV and those ...... commercials come on. You know how it goes. Dont hate me :)

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You know what's interesting about these commercials, Mike? I've read that bands who used to consider it selling out to let their songs be used on commercials are changing their minds, because radio is no longer playing their songs.

Radio is so regimented, now, that there aren't many stations that play a mixture of music, so older bands were being regulated to Classic Rock stations and their catalogue sales were decreasing. I don't know if you know The Who's music, but they finally released their songs to commercials about 3-4 years ago, and it's proven to be effective. Kids who had never heard their songs apparently have been asking at the record store, "Hey, what's that song I hear on the Maxima commercial?"

Sorry about sticking the needle in. That's the funny thing about this forum -- the spread between ages. I've been reading the "Rap Song Help" thread and thinking, "Man, I'm glad I was born in the 60's, back when women stopped shaving their armpits and Rock 'N' Roll was Rock 'N' Roll...."

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Radio is so regimented, now, that there aren't many stations that play a mixture of music,

You can thank the FCC and congress for changing station ownership regulations. There are so few people left whose opinions really matter in the music industry that it's really disturbing.

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I wonder if they made this commercial at the same time as the "Do you really want to hurt me" commercial? It seems to have the same actors in the same settings...

If so, I guess that Molson didn't think that the whole 2004-2005 NHL season would be cancelled!

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Radio is so regimented, now, that there aren't many stations that play a mixture of music,

You can thank the FCC and congress for changing station ownership regulations. There are so few people left whose opinions really matter in the music industry that it's really disturbing.

That is why I think Satellite radio will get popular in the near future. I have had it for A year.

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Radio is so regimented, now, that there aren't many stations that play a mixture of music,

You can thank the FCC and congress for changing station ownership regulations. There are so few people left whose opinions really matter in the music industry that it's really disturbing.

That is why I think Satellite radio will get popular in the near future. I have had it for A year.

Satellite radio has the potential to be just as limiting. It's a much higher cost to compete in that market and that will limit the number of options. It's also subscription based and not free, limiting the potential pool of listeners.

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T.V. was free years ago, why would anybody pay to watch tv? Your right on the limited part through, what if clear channel or somebody like that bought the sat. companies. It is still early and if done right I think it could work well. But like everything else it will most likly become one big comercial for somebody like fox.

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T.V. was free years ago, why would anybody pay to watch tv? Your right on the limited part through, what if clear channel or somebody like that bought the sat. companies. It is still early and if done right I think it could work well. But like everything else it will most likly become one big comercial for somebody like fox.

Most people listen to the radio while they're doing something else, like driving. TV is the main activity most of the time someone is watching it. As for TV look at the ratings, most people still watch the major networks. Cable networks and dishes have flourished over the last 20 years or so and you still have most people watching the "free" channels.

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I've heard this internet thing may catch on :P

As for Molson, they've done a lot of great hockey ads. In fact, many hockey ads are wonderful -- that is when they're done by people who know the game.

I guess that's part of why I'm so frustrated with the NHL's "My NHL" stuff. No offence to our U.S. buddies, but that work should have gone to a Canadian ad agency.

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