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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission s500 fit question

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Someone that has a 9.5 shoe size is interested in a pair of my 8EEA pro model skates.

I know mission's run true to shoe size....but I've also read (from searches) some people talking about going wider and being able to get into 1/2 - 1 1/2 smaller.

Anyone have experience with this? Thoughts?


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I have a 9.5 shoe size and wear an 8d in the S500. My foot lies perfectly flat with no toe curl and my big toe just feathering the toe cap. I can't really comment about the extra width. I imagine they could have them rebaked and just lace them tighter. Hope this helps.

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I like to go by skate sizes rather than shoes because they vary alot. My Sneakers range from 8-10, while my "shoe size" seems to be a 8W-9D. While in skates, I'm a pretty consistant 7EE/W in Graf/ Bauer, and have had several Missions in an 8EE that fit very well.

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I am an 11 shoe (not sneaker) and 10.5EE in Mission

Nice! Okay great feedback guys. Much appreciated.

Heh I love this site!! Better than any so called "experts" have ever been able to inform me.

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I didn't want to create a new thread so figured this was as good as any other to recycle. Did anyone else find the arch in the mission to be a bit high? (they seemed that way to me - at least compared to my CCM's)

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