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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help a beginner

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Hi guys,

I'm 18 years old and I've finally decided that I'm going to learn how to skate and eventually play in a rec league after I am comfortable enough with my skating and stickhandling (which I will work on after I learn how to move around on the ice).

Anyways, I have flat feet and I was wondering if you guys could tell me of any fairly affordable new skates (cheaper than $120) that would be good for a new skater with flat feet. Are the Bauer Vapor 1's any good? How about the Bauer

Supreme Customs? What else is out there?

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate any help that I can get.


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Hi guys,

I'm 18 years old and I've finally decided that I'm going to learn how to skate and eventually play in a rec league after I am comfortable enough with my skating and stickhandling (which I will work on after I learn how to move around on the ice).

Anyways, I have flat feet and I was wondering if you guys could tell me of any fairly affordable new skates (cheaper than $120) that would be good for a new skater with flat feet. Are the Bauer Vapor 1's any good? How about the Bauer

Supreme Customs? What else is out there?

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate any help that I can get.


Start off in one of these...


Since you have flat feet....you will probably want to go with an E or EE width if possible.

But make sure you TRY on many different types of skates to get your proper fit.

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http://www.hockeymonkey.com/graf625sup.html( i know that these are over your budget but if you ever fell like pushing the bank heres a sugestion)

all of these skates are good skates, but i would defently wanna try on the pair before you bought them. Also the skates that Krog7d7 mention are also very good to. On yah welcome to the drug of hockey, y'ul be hooked 4 ever.

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I would go with a Tacks since they are wider than Vapors.

Maybe a lower Bauer Supreme model would work too.

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http://www.hockeymonkey.com/graf625sup.html( i know that these are over your budget but if you ever fell like pushing the bank heres a sugestion)

all of these skates are good skates, but i would defently wanna try on the pair before you bought them. Also the skates that Krog7d7 mention are also very good to. On yah welcome to the drug of hockey, y'ul be hooked 4 ever.

So how is he going to try on a pair from any of those sites you listed?

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Go to your local hockey store, explain to the employee your just starting out, looking to learn to skate. Get a used pair of skate which are in decent shape and fit well. If you can't find a good cheap pair of used skates, go for a lower model. Get properly sized, there's a few threads on here about it. Go to some public skating, look for an adult "learn to skate" program, get some friends to take you to shinny/pick-up and work with them.

Good luck, it's a great game, don't get frustrated at the start, it will take time to learn the basics.

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Thanks for the help so far, guys. Hopefully I'll pick up on ice hockey as easy as I did roller hockey. I'm going to check out the skates from the links!

Do you play like competitive roller hockey, if you tell us what roller skates you wear and what you like about them or dislike, it may help us help you better. :)

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Thanks for the help so far, guys. Hopefully I'll pick up on ice hockey as easy as I did roller hockey. I'm going to check out the skates from the links!

Do you play like competitive roller hockey, if you tell us what roller skates you wear and what you like about them or dislike, it may help us help you better. :)

Yes, competitive roller hockey.

I've gone through four pairs of skates in only two seasons. I started off with a pair of Bauer's, then moved to Ferland's and my last pair were the Nike Air Quest 1's. Besides having flat beet, I have really weak (thin) ankles which have never felt comfortable in inline hockey skates (they do feel comfortable with regular inline skates where there are two straps on the front to tighten the skate). I guess I was in a rush most of the time to buy the skates and I thought that my feet would eventually adjust to the skate. Because of that, I had to wear two pairs of socks (or even three pairs sometimes) to get my skate to stay on without moving around while I skated.

This time I'm hoping I don't make the same mistake so that nothing hinders my learning to skate on the ice.

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Go to some public skating, look for an adult "learn to skate" program, get some friends to take you to shinny/pick-up and work with them.

Good luck, it's a great game, don't get frustrated at the start, it will take time to learn the basics.

Yeah, my university offers free "skating time" three days a week so that's why I've finally decided to start.. again.

I've been on the ice before on a couple of occasions a few years ago, but my skating stride was awkward on a pair of CCM Intruder's and unfortunately, I stopped going for those public skates when I moved, partly because it was so disheartening seeing everyone skate so much better than myself.

This time I'm going to keep at it though - I figure I have 3/4 of my life left to play hockey ;)

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if you are wearing 2-3 pair of socks I think you'll see a noticeable change when you have a pair of skates that fit properly even a 1/2 size too big can be an issue at times..

you need to check volume of the skate, width, length, etc..when you try on, keep them on for a bit..go later in the day when your feet are a bit swelled and at their largest...

keep an eye out for sales in your area, where are you from?

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