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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visors in the USHL

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I was curious if visors were mandatory for all the players over 16 in the USHL (as in they can't wear cages). Or is the age 18? I'm curious because a kid from my school just got like 10+ teeth chipped playing with a halfie on in the USHL.

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I could be wrong but i think kids 18 and older have the option of visor or cage and younger than 18 have to wear the cage. As for having the option of no visor or cage, I dont think they can do that, no matter what.

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I could be wrong but i think kids 18 and older have the option of visor or cage and younger than 18 have to wear the cage. As for having the option of no visor or cage, I dont think they can do that, no matter what.

What I was asking was if anyone knew if they didn't have the option of wearing a cage after 18. Someone told me that, but I didn't believe him, and was just asking here to check.

Are they allowed to make you take the cage off (to wear a visor)? It doesn't seem like something USA hockey would let them do.



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Taken from the USA Hockey Junior rulebook.

(d) All players, including goalkeepers, are required to wear a facemask certified by HECC, plus any chin

protection that accompanies the facemask, except as permitted in Note 1 of this rule.

(Note 1) Any player, having reached the age of majority, shall be permitted to sign the proper waiver and wear

a HECC-approved half facemask shield. The face shield must be worn in the manner intended at all times.

However, USA Hockey strongly recommends all players to wear full facial protection.

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