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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my MIA Glove (pic and story)

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

In their defence, if anyone has the right to it'd be them.

Why's that? B/c they have the most nukes? If anyone has the right to claim a continent as their own, it's the nation with the largest land mass. That's Canada.

Look at what the States has done over time; it can put a chip on anyone's shoulder.

Yeah, the states sure can claim a lot to their credit over time...mostly causing a whack load of unnecessary death and international turmoil while pretending to take the "moral high road," when in reality, their not-so-subtle ulterior motives are blatantly transparent.

The US is like an overgrown child/caveman, attempting to use brute force and scare tactics to get what it wants, when it wants. Shame on my government for giving in all too often.

Of course, at least our leaders are not as weak and eager to stroke Dubya as Tony Blair.

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Yeah, the states sure can claim a lot to their credit over time...mostly causing a whack load of unnecessary death and international turmoil while pretending to take the "moral high road," when in reality, their not-so-subtle ulterior motives are blatantly transparent.

The US is like an overgrown child/caveman, attempting to use brute force and scare tactics to get what it wants, when it wants. Shame on my government for giving in all too often.

So it's far better to capitulate to tyrants and despots than to stand up for what you believe in? Obviously the current administration and their hotline to god and Haliburton are excused from this statement. Bush is just plain nuts.

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So it's far better to capitulate to tyrants and despots than to stand up for what you believe in? Obviously the current administration and their hotline to god and Haliburton are excused from this statement. Bush is just plain nuts.

Of course not...unless of course, the voice on the other end of the hotline says that Hans Blix is lying and that Saddam indeed does have WMDs stashed in his ass. Or it could've just been the oil...

Dubya: "God, is Hans Blix lying to me?"

Dubya: "Yes! He is! Just take the oil, the cost of your own countrymen's lives be damned!"

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So it's far better to capitulate to tyrants and despots than to stand up for what you believe in? Obviously the current administration and their hotline to god and Haliburton are excused from this statement. Bush is just plain nuts.

Of course not...unless of course, the voice on the other end of the hotline says that Hans Blix is lying and that Saddam indeed does have WMDs stashed in his ass. Or it could've just been the oil...

Dubya: "God, is Hans Blix lying to me?"

Dubya: "Yes! He is! Just take the oil, the cost of your own countrymen's lives be damned!"

As I said way back when the whole Iraq thing started, I have no problem knocking him off for being a sadistic tyrant. The problem is if we said that, we would still have a lot more despotic tyrants to visit. It is becoming more and more clear that Bush surrounded himself with people who will do what he says, no matter what. The problem is you need to have people tell you why you shouldn't do something more than you need people to support your actions.

By the way, if we did it for the oil why am I still paying so much at the pump?

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So it's far better to capitulate to tyrants and despots than to stand up for what you believe in? Obviously the current administration and their hotline to god and Haliburton are excused from this statement. Bush is just plain nuts.

Of course not...unless of course, the voice on the other end of the hotline says that Hans Blix is lying and that Saddam indeed does have WMDs stashed in his ass. Or it could've just been the oil...

Dubya: "God, is Hans Blix lying to me?"

Dubya: "Yes! He is! Just take the oil, the cost of your own countrymen's lives be damned!"

As I said way back when the whole Iraq thing started, I have no problem knocking him off for being a sadistic tyrant. The problem is if we said that, we would still have a lot more despotic tyrants to visit. It is becoming more and more clear that Bush surrounded himself with people who will do what he says, no matter what. The problem is you need to have people tell you why you shouldn't do something more than you need people to support your actions.

By the way, if we did it for the oil why am I still paying so much at the pump?

I haven't a problem with offing him for being Saddam either. But if in fact he did want to get him just on principle, you're right, there's a lot more ppl to go after, but is it going to happen? I dont' think so...

And yes, he does need some ppl to tell him why he shouldn't do this or that, but it's clear that the only guy that tell him what to do or not to do, is the guy upstairs, in his own mixed up head.

Gas - I can't say for sure, but my guess is that they can't pump the oil yet, ppl are still shooting everywhere. That and some of the oil fields/refineries were destroyed in the ongoing war. I believe economics has something to do with it as well, which are completely unrelated to this whole Iraq deal...besides, it's not like Iraq is the world's largest producer of crude...don't expct drastically lower prices b/c the U.S. in effect, controls Iraq.

So in the meantime, I guess we'll all have to make do with Saudi and Albertan oil.

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So in the meantime, I guess we'll all have to make do with Saudi and Albertan oil.

Didn't I read somewhere that Canada had an agreement to sell a large portion of its oil to either China or someone else not located just south of their border?

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So in the meantime, I guess we'll all have to make do with Saudi and Albertan oil.

Didn't I read somewhere that Canada had an agreement to sell a large portion of its oil to either China or someone else not located just south of their border?

I dunno...just made up the Albertan part.

In any event, last from me until the wee hours of your morning. It's lunchtime!

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the answer is plain and simple, somewhere in texas a village is missing its idiot

To paraphrase one of my favorite movie lines:

"I wouldn't say they're missing him." Hell he spent most of the summer back in that village.

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it's on the first page of this thread. i'd type it, but i think i'd goof it up. miasports.com? misleadingname.com? who knows, i'm drunk.

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it's on the first page of this thread.  i'd type it, but i think i'd goof it up.  miasports.com?  misleadingname.com?  who knows, i'm drunk.

I'm there myself. I grabbed a bottle of merlot when I walked in the door and while it did suck, it's now gone.

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I couldn't thake all that natty ice and just grabbed a bottle of wild turkey and went downstairs. operation: blackout is a go.

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Regarding legal issues on this thread (I asked a friend about this): First off all, anyone can be sued for anything. Whether it gets thrown out is another story. Also the FTC could file against them for injunctive relief, but there aren't any monetary damages. A label change would most likely be the result, but probably not.

I'm not against MIA, or the label. I'm just trying to clear up an argument brought up earlier.

The gloves look awesome, and I think I might get a pair.

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Furthermore he says:

I think maybe a consumer protection nonprofit could bring a suit seeking injunctive relief, or maybe the FTC could sue for injuctive relief and a statutory civil penalty, but the average dude probably couldn't mantain a suit and certainly couldn't seek any damages unless they could legitimately prove that they bought the thing solely because it was "made in america."

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I might be mistaken, but Jaybird has been shipping out rolls of tape with an eagle on it and says "Made in America" instead of the regular Jaybird Hockey logo.

As far as the other stuff, from what I have seen when I've been to Canada and just knowing Canadians in general, they are very proud of their country, which makes it weird that a Canadian company would be named "Made in America." I don't think they were going for deceit - (even though there has been some deception when the company was started) just a catchy acronym, however I can understand how it can be misconstrued.

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I think the bottom line is that MIA (Made In America) is just a bad name. I understand why they named it that, (against manufacturing overseas), but they could have achieved this with a different name....like NWH New World Hockey, or HGH Home Grown Hockey...something along these lines. The name America (as we are witnessing with this thread) is just to charged.

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