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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my MIA Glove (pic and story)

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The gloves look sweet. And, I was thinking about getting a pair since mine are pretty worn out. I'm just going to get "Made in Italy" stamped on my forehead to avoid confusion. ;) Either way, we all breath the same air, except a few of us in So. Cali who breath more smog. :P . On a serious note, I know the naming subject has nothing to do with the air we breath.

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JimA:hehe nice one as you see english is not my 1 st language but it was a nice one.

Chadd:i doubt they are in quebec to avoid the MIA name been removed or fraud or anything like that.

Sven:They are looser then the xx but lighter in weight and the palm has beter feel.I never had eagles,only nike quest 1 and xx in the past 4 year so i can t compare them to eagles.

1 st game tonight so i will post agin later on.And no i dont play in AAA but our jersey is like the trasher 3 rd jersey hence why i went with that color and the baby blue on the stripe.

Thx for the good feedback guys.And no i am not paid by MIA to tell you guys this but for about the same price has i paid my xx i have custom gloves with my team colors and a top notch service.

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Chadd:i doubt they are in quebec to avoid the MIA name been removed or fraud or anything like that.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence

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AT least imo they are not made by a under paid child somewhere in BANGLADESH.They where made almost in front of me.

And if that glove was made in Bangledesh, would it be ok to have a label that says "Made in Canada"? Every other manufacturer is proud when their stuff is made in Canada.

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I would question whether they say they are made in america. Its the company name, not fraud. You can name your company whatever you want. You can name your company "The World's Greatest Painters". You're probably not the greatest, but its not fraud to have that as your name. Now, if in there add the put they were the greatest, then it would be Fraud, but I haven' seen advertised that they are made in America. And the country is actually called United States of America, there isn't really a country named America. Splitting hairs, but you can call your company whatever you want.

I think calling them Frauds is a little anal.

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Nope if they are made somewhere else i would like to know where.Like when i buy a pair of shoes from Nike they are made in China.And so on.But Chadd you know we will get in a never ending argument now :P.

If it was me my name would have been MFA .... Made For Argument then in slmall letters made in quebec!!


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I would question whether they say they are made in america. Its the company name, not fraud. You can name your company whatever you want. You can name your company "The World's Greatest Painters". You're probably not the greatest, but its not fraud to have that as your name. Now, if in there add the put they were the greatest, then it would be Fraud, but I haven' seen advertised that they are made in America. And the country is actually called United States of America, there isn't really a country named America. Splitting hairs, but you can call your company whatever you want.

I think calling them Frauds is a little anal.

We disagree. There are several FTC rulings on using the term "Made in USA" I fail to see why this is any different. If anyone can show me where the term "America" is used in reference to Canada, I'd be happy to see it.

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Nope if they are made somewhere else i would like to know where.Like when i buy a pair of shoes from Nike they are made in China.And so on.But Chadd you know we will get in a never ending argument now :P.

If it was me my name would have been MFA .... Made For Argument then in slmall letters made in quebec!!


All I am asking is this:

Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

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They tell you right on the website where they are located. They aren't named MIUSA. America is not the name of the country.

Last night the "contact us" link wasn't working for me.

The term "America" is always used in reference to Canada, I see your point. :rolleyes:

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I would question whether they say they are made in america.  Its the company name, not fraud.  You can name your company whatever you want.  You can name your company "The World's Greatest Painters".  You're probably not the greatest, but its not fraud to have that as your name.  Now, if in there add the put they were the greatest, then it would be Fraud, but I haven' seen advertised that they are made in America.  And the country is actually called United States of America, there isn't really a country named America.  Splitting hairs, but you can call your company whatever you want.

I think calling them Frauds is a little anal.

We disagree. There are several FTC rulings on using the term "Made in USA" I fail to see why this is any different. If anyone can show me where the term "America" is used in reference to Canada, I'd be happy to see it.

America isnt very definitive Chadd. What continent is Canada in? North AMERICA. If these gloves were made to say "Made in the USA" and made in Canada, I would hav a bit of a problem with them. However, even if they are made in Quebec, they are still made in "america", not the "united states" of America.

I'm so damn late...I hate opening a thread, going to do something, then typing a reply only to have what you said alot earlier.

For shame...

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America, North and South, are continents, not an individual country. The terminology for Made in America and made in the USA is totally different. No different than if Paris, Missouri had a product made and called it "Made in a Place named Paris. Technically, it's true. Besides, like McCabe said, it's just a name of a company, nothing more.

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America, North and South, are continents, not an individual country. The terminology for Made in America and made in the USA is totally different. No different than if Paris, Missouri had a product made and called it "Made in a Place named Paris. Technically, it's true. Besides, like McCabe said, it's just a name of a company, nothing more.

Again, cite any other example of a company using the term America as a generic term.

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This thread was made in my ass.

god man, what did you eat?

i liked the original post though, just after 3 pages of digesting, this thread has turned into a big steaming pile.

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This may sound petty but, as a Canadian, the name MIA (Made in America) would be the only thing keeping me from buying these gloves. I don't live in America. I live in Canada. If it was made in my country then it was MADE IN CANADA. For those that are saying "Canada is a country in North America so MIA is okay" I would counter with "why didn't they say Made in North America?" That is more accurate than MIA. While you can make all kinds of arguements for MIA being okay I think it is intentionally misleading. As a consumer, I'm not terribly okay with that. As a Canadian, I'm not okay with a company intentionally misleading consumers into thinking that their products are manufactured somewhere other than Canada.

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