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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grey Laces

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After my pracitce I hung around the rink for a while and a team had a game and a noticed a few guys were wearing grey hockey skate laces. I never knew there were grey laces before and they look pretty sweet. Anyone know where I can pick them up at?

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never seen them in any hockey catalog or wholesaler carrier them.. They are prob roller laces bought at one of the box stores, definately not waxed, nor molded tip. If you want cloth regular tip laces in any color the box stores usually have them.

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If you can find some old Mission Flyweights, they came w/ grey laces w/ the traditional black spiral.

Or maybe you could just dye a pair of white ones.

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are u talking about those nike quest silver-grey laces??

I'm not sure what those look like but these were dark gray with the black spotted spiral design like all laces have.

Those sound suspiciously like the laces on Nike skates. Personally, I think those laces are great...too bad I can't find 10 pairs to steal laces from...

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are u talking about those nike quest silver-grey laces??

I'm not sure what those look like but these were dark gray with the black spotted spiral design like all laces have.

Those sound suspiciously like the laces on Nike skates. Personally, I think those laces are great...too bad I can't find 10 pairs to steal laces from...

no one will mind if you steal those nike laces, they're brutal.

As for as the all grey with the black dots on them, I have no idea. They defenately don't sound like the fade nike ones.

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may I know why the Nike quest laces suck??

I am planning to buy a pair for my Nike V Skates.


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may I know why the Nike quest laces suck??

I am planning to buy a pair for my Nike V Skates.


Hey dez,

I don't think they blatantly suck enough that they're unanimously regarded as a shitty product, so it largely depends on personal prference. If you like 'em, you like 'em. If you don't, you don't. If you buy a pair for your skates (I wasn't aware that Nike sold them separately), and don't like them, all you've lost is a few bucks, so it's nothing to throw yourself out a window for...

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