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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kick for a Million

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During halftime at the Toronto/Hamilton Game there were 4 Field Goal attempts from 20, 30, 40 & 50 Yards.

This 25 year old guy who's never played football before...but is a great soccer player, missed the 20 Yarder (for $1,000) missed the 30 Yarder (for a digital imaging package) missed the 40 Yarder (for a Sony Home Theatre)...

..then NAILED the 50 (dead center....with yards to spare) for $1,000,000!!!!

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Damn, 20 and 30 aren't a problem, 40 is tough and 50 is impressive.

Funny thing was he missed 20,30, 40. After i saw those attemps i thought theres no way he can hit 50 if he hit those. I was cheering for him when he hit the 50.

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That was amazing. He only had 1 day to practice or something. I thought he had no hope after he missed the first kicks.

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Was it off a tee? Back when I kicked in HS that wouldn't been a problem. But the pressssssssssssssure...

It was off a tee

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It was very impressive, kind've sucks that they are making him take the money as 25G's a year over 40 years. Yes it was also off a tee.

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What a clutch guy, and now he's richer than any CFL kicker will ever be :lol:

and he's now in negotiations to be a CFL kicker.

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no its not BC its winnipeg

Really? I heard Buono gave him a contract. I suppose peg' might need a punter too if ryan goes down south soon.

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