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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Famous Brand One-Piece Composite Hockey Stick ('05

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How are you guys reading the pattern numbers?

SrN10 Mid Right 280 (100 Flex) would equal??

The P10 Bauer?

Am I reading it correctly?

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Once again.....No RH p91 curves.....Wow....

They only had a few P91 righties in 320 flex. No other flexes were available. I asked if they were getting more, but they told me they bought all the remaining stock.

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hey im sure you guys can help me out here, but im totally lost when it comes to bauer patterns and flexes. with those sticks, what would be the closest to a sakic 100 flex?

in their curve patterns, im looking to get some. thanks

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hey im sure you guys can help me out here, but im totally lost when it comes to bauer patterns and flexes. with those sticks, what would be the closest to a sakic 100 flex?

in their curve patterns, im looking to get some. thanks


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Just got an '05 famous brand OPS in the mail yesterday. It is navy blue in color and has grip on it. Definitely seems like a Vapor XXX (although I have never used one). I'll try it out tonight. I got a 320 flex, which is a 77 flex on the Easton scale. The website that sells these sticks has the flex ratings wrong. So, 280 = 87 flex and 240 = 102 flex.

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Just got an '05 famous brand OPS in the mail yesterday. It is navy blue in color and has grip on it. Definitely seems like a Vapor XXX (although I have never used one). I'll try it out tonight. I got a 320 flex, which is a 77 flex on the Easton scale. The website that sells these sticks has the flex ratings wrong. So, 280 = 87 flex and 240 = 102 flex.

280= 87 flex?

How did you find this out?

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280= 87 flex?

How did you find this out?

I've been using Innovative for a while and 280 has always been about 85 flex. Some 87 flex Nike Apollo OPS I have are stamped 280 on the inside of the shaft. The MSH flex chart will also show that 280 is roughly 85 or 87 flex.

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Mine arrived today too. It is a Vapor XXX. Lightweight and nice ballance. Same grip and same slightly sparkle navy paint. I got the NM9 (PM9) in a 320 flex. It is the Senior 77 in the Bauer, so Aggie is correct. I highly recommend snatching these up at $119 if you can get over your bad self to play with a stick with no graphics. The one bummer is that instead of sending my second ordered stick for my son, they sent me a Senior 320 LH P91. If anyone wants it................

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did you notice anything that would make it a second by appearance like bad spots in the mold or anything else??? or are they just over runs as stated

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if you check out the tags on the inside of vapor XXX that's an 87 flex, it should read:


Mine say 320 instead of 280. It's the 77 flex. Mine are clean. I say over runs.

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Yeah, I think they are over runs. Mine don't have any chips or visible defects. The blade looks fine too.

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Would a Sr N106 240 be equivelent to P106 jokinen 95-100 flex not the 110 flex stated? :unsure:

any comments appicated.

I am pretty sure that's going to be a 102 flex. Yes, it is a Jokinen.

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