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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick comparison

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Hi there,

i have the choice between 2 sticks and i am not sure which i should pick.

I know this is based on PP, but thats what i want to hear from you.

Either i could pick a Mission M-1 or a Easton Stealth, both ProStock.

I havent played any of these sticks and thats why im asking.

Thanks so far.

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I have never used a stealth before so I can't comment on that. I find that missions blades are pretty solid and have pretty good feel (a whole lot better than a SL). The like the wieght and balnce of the mission, not heavy and not to light. Anyway, thats my comment.

Just wondering, what kind of stick do u currently use, and what type of curve?

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Can't comment on the Stealth.

I have owned two M-1's though. At first I loved the stick, great feel, balance and performance, not to mention the graphics look great, but the blades on both of them have been a different story. The first one I owned was great for about two games, then I after inspecting the blade I noticed I could bend it about 1/2 inch or so with my hand. Same thing with the Second M-1. A few buddies of mine that have had M-1's diddn't have this problem though, so it might of been fixed on newer M-1's.

I would try the Stealth.

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because of the blade issue of the M1 i would go for the Stealth but since you already use a OPS that is balanced and weight pretty the same as the synergy grip...i would go for the feel of mission stick...way better

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I do like the feel of easton shafts and i've never used an m-1 so i cant say on that. But i would go with a Stealth

in another thread you said you were an NHL'er, what team do you play for and what is your name?

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Never tried or used a Stealth. Here's my assesment of the M-1 prostock in a nutshell.

Excellent kick on shots. Very durable shaft but the blade is very soft. I didn't even get any game time w/ it. I used it for <8 stick and puck sessions, the blade broke and split at the heel.

But then again i understand because durability is sacrificed for maximum performance when comes to prostock ops.

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Never tried or used a Stealth. Here's my assesment of the M-1 prostock in a nutshell.

Excellent kick on shots. Very durable shaft but the blade is very soft. I didn't even get any game time w/ it. I used it for <8 stick and puck sessions, the blade broke and split at the heel.

But then again i understand because durability is sacrificed for maximum performance when comes to prostock ops.

I don't think the M-1 blade problem is just with prostocks. All the M-1 blades I have seen are very soft, IMO.

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I have a pro stock M1 and I have found the blade to be too soft for reliable slapshots. Wrist shots on them, however, are OK as you can really get some snap with the blade (because it's so flexy), but I prefer a stiffer blade that doesn't require so much lean & muscle (to get under the puck) when I take a wrist shot.

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