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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 6k

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I bought a rbk 6k off of a friend of mine and he gets his sticks from a major junior hockey team and there isnt one for the public, does anybody know anything about this stick or had any thing wrong with it if you have used it?


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ops or shaft??

Since he said it isn't for the public, must be the 6K Ops. I know theirs been a few members who've tried it, there may be a review or two, but I can't help you from my own experiences. We did have a kid on the team who liked his, but hated the pattern so unloaded it.

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yeah it is a OPS and there are not any reviews on it, so thats why i brought it here

on easton PRO STOCKS on the bottom of the shaft it says for PRO USE ONLY, NO WARRANTY does anybody know if that is on all pro-stocks or just easton??

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I had one, the feel with it was much like an XN10, and shooting with it was good. Above average stick, but I eventually just used it for a little driveway shooting..

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I've seen a couple of the 6K OPS at a LHS. Anyone knows WHY they released this stick as "pro only" and not to the public? Is there any logical reason behind this? Are there any other sticks that are only available for pros as well?

yeah it is a OPS and there are not any reviews on it, so thats why i brought it here

on easton PRO STOCKS on the bottom of the shaft it says for PRO USE ONLY, NO WARRANTY does anybody know if that is on all pro-stocks or just easton??

I believe TPS mark the pro stock sticks in a similar way too, not sure about the others.

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I have one,the blade cracked on the front so I dont use it.It was a good stick, lasted me since january,playing on and off with it.Its essentially a 5k but has a regular shaft and Easton Like grip. Good stick up there with my XN10s ,Im getting an Andrew Alberts(Bruins) 7k in a couple weeks.Ill see how I like that.

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I got a 6k ops from a buddy in the AHL last year, I haven't seen them anywhere else. To me, it looks like a painted over tapered combo and is pretty blade heavy.

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i agree with the blade heavy part but i'm pretty sure its just a regular OPS, I have heard that people like it more than the 7k because its more durible

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I've seen a couple of the 6K OPS at a LHS. Anyone knows WHY they released this stick as "pro only" and not to the public? Is there any logical reason behind this? Are there any other sticks that are only available for pros as well?

Prob just marketing, let everyone see the pros use it, then release it to the public later. Who knows, they keep this kind of stuff secret. They released a 3k, 4k, 7k and 8k skate. Can predict a 5k, 6k and 9k in the future.

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I've seen a couple of the 6K OPS at a LHS. Anyone knows WHY they released this stick as "pro only" and not to the public? Is there any logical reason behind this? Are there any other sticks that are only available for pros as well?

Prob just marketing, let everyone see the pros use it, then release it to the public later. Who knows, they keep this kind of stuff secret. They released a 3k, 4k, 7k and 8k skate. Can predict a 5k, 6k and 9k in the future.

there is a 9K ;) :)

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theres an r.6k and a 6k the r.6k has grip on it and the 6k doesnt have any grip i have both and find the r.6k heavier but more durable and the 6k lighter but less durable. i guessing there only pro stocks and similar to the 7k

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theres an r.6k and a 6k the r.6k has grip on it and the 6k doesnt have any grip i have both and find the r.6k heavier but more durable and the 6k lighter but less durable. i guessing there only pro stocks and similar to the 7k

wasnt the r.6k the first run ones actually said "reebok" instead of "RBK" down the side.

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theres an r.6k and a 6k the r.6k has grip on it and the 6k doesnt have any grip i have both and find the r.6k heavier but more durable and the 6k lighter but less durable. i guessing there only pro stocks and similar to the 7k

wasnt the r.6k the first run ones actually said "reebok" instead of "RBK" down the side.

Yes,they were also really brittle from what I have heard,I got one when they were first coming in to the NHL.A Soundtigers(AHL)player gave it to me,I forget what I did with it.

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