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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission 10000 Glove

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Saw these on ePuck and wow do they look like amazing gloves. Does anyone (specifically Justin) know when these are being released? Before/after Christmas time?

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If so, what would make it a roller glove more than an ice glove? What different types of materials or anything at all?

Justin? Could you clarify this?

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They seem to be fine for ice hockey, they should have enough protection

"On the 10000, Mission has also added pro level foams and PE inserts in key areas for extra protection."

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On the older Mission website they had M1 etc on there under roller and we all know that many ice hockey as well as NHL players use them! Many of their products cross over!

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Isn't that glove meant for roller because on the mission site its under the roller section but not ice.

The Heliums were in the ice catalog last year. They will be just fine for ice hockey, the main difference I noticed on the older models was the increased ventilation on the Helium line.

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We always make our gloves for crossover...The only difference is which season we launch the gloves in...The 10000 were launched during roller season and have a bit more "design" to them...The L Series gloves are our traditional gloves and will be carried over this year...The 10000 gloves should be in stores this week or next week.


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