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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It's an inside joke between Chadd and I.

They're not the same guy.

I saw his and I asked him if it was the guy in my avatar. He told me it was the guy from "Mythbusters" but was actually surprised that I mentioned the guy in my avatar.

First person to name the guy in my avatar gets a cookie. And Chadd or none of the Mods or 2048 can enter this contest to win said cookie...

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It'll be a tough one for you younger guys - music fans of the 70s might be able to get it...

Actually Hogan can play guitar...

He cut an album in the early 80s - it was big in Japan. No lie.

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Another hint -

Played for two of the most influential bands in the 70s -

One band's name includes a reference to drugs, the 2nd band was named after a dildo in a famous novel. No lie.

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My dad is just a 70's music man, and I was looking around the computer table for somthing to refer to, and I saw a Steely Dan album, and thought, well that guy had glasses and a gotee sometimes, so it's worth a try...

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