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Softening up gloves

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I've had that problem with my Graf 700s, the only thing that seems to help is a little water right before I go skate. Nothing has softened them up very much and I've tried everything.

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Guest Boston10

Use a rag/face cloth and soak it in hot water under the fawcet. Then put it on your hand and put your hand in your glove. Next take your hand out and run some more water on the rag and place it on the plam of the glove, while putting your hand inside the glove and squeezing. When you complete this either let your gloves dry a bit or do what I do and put your gloves in your dryer under damp-dry.

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Shaving Cream works. It doesn't last too long though, so you'll have to reapply it every 3-4 weeks.

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Never ever use water. It will do more damage than most products. It causes leather to dry out.

Depending on the quality, you can use baseball glove products.

Most of todays gloves use Nash so there is not much you can use.

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Never ever use water. It will do more damage than most products. It causes leather to dry out.

Depending on the quality, you can use baseball glove products.

Most of todays gloves use Nash so there is not much you can use.

Mine are shot anyway, just trying to coax a bit more life out of them.

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i had the same annoying problem. so i went to my local sports shop where they sell baseball products. i purchased rawlings "glovolium". i put it on my eagle x70's and it seems to work. the solution is saposed to preserve, soften, and protect gloves. i know it was ment for baseball but it was a longshot it it hapend to work for me and my hard palms.hope this helps your problem!


P.S- it does smell pretty bad so air your gloves after applying! :blink:

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i had the same annoying problem. so i went to my local sports shop where they sell baseball products. i purchased rawlings "glovolium". i put it on my eagle x70's and it seems to work. the solution is saposed to preserve, soften, and protect gloves. i know it was ment for baseball but it was a longshot it it hapend to work for me and my hard palms.hope this helps your problem!


P.S- it does smell pretty bad so air your gloves after applying! :blink:

I used that stuff on mine too and it help out quite a bit

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u can usually find baseball glove conditioner made by easton or any other stuff. Just rub that stuff in, wait over night and do it again until your palms are soft

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gloveoluem can get very oily, there is something called Pro-Prep that is more of a jelly base, that you wipe on the leather and then let it sit for about 20 minutes and then wipe it out. I laced baseball gloves for years and it always worked best. Also make sure that if you use shaving cream, it needs to have lanolin in it.

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