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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To take home weekly honors? :D

post off my pickup hockey mb (yes it's about me..lol)

For the weekend of October 29/30:

Our very own Hackerette and my wife, Michelle Bondy, was at it again this weekend. As many of you know she was playing in a Women's Tourney at the Ice Park. What many of you may not know is how much Todd (the other goalie from Sunday summer hockey) is so jealous?, or just plain dislikes our family. I suspect it is primarily because of me but it extends...

So after a hard fought tourney, the final has ended, the girls finish second overall, the league convenor comes down to the dressing room, sees Todd sniffing around outside the dressing room door and must have assumed he was important, so he asks him "Who was your tournament MVP, #24 on your defense?" Quickly Todd recalls, hmmm that's Mike's wife, I can't have that...and replies "No, No, (in his best I'm important voice) I think it should be #13, Michelle somebody." (I don't know what her last name was)

So our Michelle didn't get the award...no biggie. She did get noticed.  A completely unbiased selection from someone who was there to see all of the games. (Again, unlike Todd). Fortunately I was in earshot of the conversation so I could pass this along.

Congratulations on your tournament performance baby!

You overcame: Being sick the whole weekend, Todd's bias against our family and playing 7 hours of hockey in one weekend to stand out as the Team MVP for the Tourney. I figured the other Hackers needed to know...

I can't believe people do this stuff?!?!? lol.. oh well..

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I was awared the player of the game prize during one of our tournament games for some reason when we played in Niagara Falls a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure it was because the scorekeeper thought I was cute because I didn't deserve it, I'm just not sure why they hire blind scorekeepers.

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Haha. Nothing like a little self depracation

Considering the skill of some of the teams we played it was almost self defacation.

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