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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats the deal?

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why does brent johnson still have red coyotes pads and a helmet painted for the coyotes? he used that stuff in the pre-season with the canucks too and now he just stuck a capitals sticker over the PHX on the front of his helmet haha. i can see that maybe he needs time to break in pads but why not paint the helmet?

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Maybe the guys from Vaughn can't figure out how to call the Caps either.

It just takes time to get new gear, and more time to break it in before it's ready for game use.

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He's wearing brand new Itech pads, I'm sure they don't have a ton laying around to get a set made up in new colors.

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had we kept him i dont think we could use him anyways, look at the fiasco with mcvicar now

but bauldy auldy seems to be doing just fine.

Yup. i went to school with one of his buddies...do i get kudos as the friend of a friend of a quasi-celebrity now? :P

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No sense changing now....after last nights performance who knows what colours he'll need next. :D

Maybe he should take a look at our handy dandy all white goalie pads thread.

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I heard alot of companies were having trouble getting the pads equipment out to goalies. Apperantly a fair share of goalies in the AHL are still wearing 12" pads, and the league has given an extension (I believe till December) before they have to have 11" pads because the companies can't get it out to them.

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