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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I heard a rumer that the nhl wanted to add more teams to canada and have a canadian divison and a american divison i think its just a crazy rumer but i have seen weirder shit happen, anyone else heard this????

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I heard a rumer that the nhl wanted to add more teams to canada and have a canadian divison and a american divison i think its just a crazy rumer but i have seen weirder shit happen, anyone else heard this????

if they were to have a canadian and american division, they'd have to cut off hell of a lot of american teams, or add a ton of canadian teams to make it equal. don't count on this happening. they may, some day, add a new team, but i can never see there being a large enough market to have that many pro teams, as well as all the minor and junior teams. too many teams in too many cities.

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