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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Questions On New Product Release Dates

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next year. 2006 product. 2006 delivery... be patient... or go purchase some of the quality products on the dealers shelves that hasn't even been out for a year yet!

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next year. 2006 product. 2006 delivery... be patient... or go purchase some of the quality products on the dealers shelves that hasn't even been out for a year yet!

Most new yr products are March delivery to the retail outlets. Some items are released early and could be avail before then.

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yes, but I can't tell it and it will be the same with everyone who knows something.

are you talking about Bauer stuff??by the way, didn't you had something at the bauer quarter ST-Jerome...!?? did you saw some nice thing...or you can't talk...

I would like new 2 peice from bauer...i know for the endure...but like a tapered...the tapered and shaft marketing have been pretty the same since 2 year now...

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