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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for gloves

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Hey everyone this is my first post i am freinds of the guys from england.

i was just wondering i am planning on getting some new gloves but not sure on what to get i like a nice snug fit on my hand not to flash ie silver shiny gold and i need maximum movement. any recomendations please get back to me. thanks

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hokemon, did you train with oxford blues at anypoint? i remember someone having the same email address or similar as your screen name.

as for the gloves, i personally like the bauer range. depends how snug you like your gloves really.

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Hey everyone this is my first post i am freinds of the guys from england.

i was just wondering i am planning on getting some new gloves but not sure on what to get i like a nice snug fit on my hand not to flash ie silver shiny gold and i need maximum movement. any recomendations please get back to me. thanks

whats your price range?

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Mission he750's you can't go wrong with them.

Prefer them over my Eagle x70's, my whole team has them and like them very much. and we even have them in yellow... which for some reason isn't mainstream :P

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Mission he750's you can't go wrong with them.

Prefer them over my Eagle x70's, my whole team has them and like them very much. and we even have them in yellow... which for some reason isn't mainstream :P

I love my Heliums but they aren't a snug fit. For that type of fit, I would suggest the TPS HGT gloves.

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Mission he750's you can't go wrong with them.

Prefer them over my Eagle x70's, my whole team has them and like them very much. and we even have them in yellow...  which for some reason isn't mainstream :P

I love my Heliums but they aren't a snug fit. For that type of fit, I would suggest the TPS HGT gloves.

Agree with the HGTs or try the Vapor line.

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i also give the nod for the HGT's. i have a pair thats on year 3, with just the odd cuts in the leather, as well as a hole the size of a quarter in the palm, which is pretty good shape. i just ordered a pair of nylon prostocks off ebay which should be in on the weekend. i love them. best gloves in my mind.

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damn, havok, are you working for them, lol, hey I'm just kidding. I tried them the other time, very similar to eagle.

BTW, where on the 13 is it?

I'd go with Easton pro gloves like East West hockey were selling or TPS HGT.

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Mission he750's you can't go wrong with them.

Prefer them over my Eagle x70's, my whole team has them and like them very much. and we even have them in yellow...  which for some reason isn't mainstream :P

I love my Heliums but they aren't a snug fit. For that type of fit, I would suggest the TPS HGT gloves.

Agree with the HGTs or try the Vapor line.

True, they might be another good choice.

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Kovy they are between cote vertu and the 13 (going from cote vertu to the 13) they are very very near the 13.

And no i dont work for them but they really *sold* me to there compagny and they are really great glove.Better then my XX anyway.

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Thanx everyone that helps i will get lookin.

ye ashley its joe.


someone asked about my price range between 40 to 60 english pounds

thanks everyone

joe edwards #38

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I just got a pair of CCM 892's and can recommend them!

Good fit- not to tight, not too loose. No break in and comfortable.

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I just got a pair of CCM 892's and can recommend them!

Good fit- not to tight, not too loose. No break in and comfortable.

i dunno about you, but i dont like the pinky on the ccm gloves(tacks series, not vector), i know its hard to explain, but i find it kinda feels stiff and extemly hard to move even if they are broken in.

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