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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bendel or Messier

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Right now im am using a bendel curve on my broken XN10. Im having some trouble with my slap shot, it either goes relley high or I mess up and the shot just stayes on the ice. I was wondering if the messier curve would be a curve that is easyer for slap shots. Just for refrence, I like mid curves dont care for heels

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Sounds like your motion isn't consistant. If you always had the same problem it would be eeasier to help you. I will take one wild guess and say that you may be having a lie problem. Still guessing, your shot go high and take off when you make good contact and you blade is on theice but if the toe is off the ice it fans on the puck a bit and fails to lift it?

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My motion has to be consistant, because when i go back to my 5030 sherwood coffey my shot is perfect. I can shoot any place i want to.

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Logically, it should produce consistant results with the XN10 as well, good or bad. Coffey is a higher lie than the Brendl, so I was wrong on that blind guess.

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Thanks for your help guys. I think I will try the responce plus with the messier curve. Maybe the XN10 was too light a stick after coming off a wood stick sence squrits, just dident fell good shooting with the XN10. I think the responce plus will be a better stick for me.(messier curve)

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