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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Stealths on sale at hockeymonkey.com

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I was in there today at their store (Hawk Hockey) and they have 2005 Stealths for $159.99 and Stealth Grips for $169.99. They have a ton of them too, and I bet they went on sale for that much because they weren't selling well at the previous point.

Anyways, just a head's up.

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Also, I'm not sure if that was a in-store deal only or not but I assume you can order one online at that price as well.

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u see any good skate deals>

I didn't see any, but I wasn't really looking either :)

I know the Flexlite 12's are $349.99 as opposed to Giant's price of $399.99.

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Was it just Stealths? Or were other Easton sticks on sale too? Namely SLs...

Just Stealths. The SL's were the same price as usual.

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the stealths must be to fragile to have a huge price tag.

I was told that the duribility on these stealths is weak

I have had 3 Stealths and have had no durability issues with any of them. They have held up great, minus the chrome paint chipping off.

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Was it just Stealths?  Or were other Easton sticks on sale too?  Namely SLs...

Just Stealths. The SL's were the same price as usual.

:( Aww. OK thanks

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