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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just got of the phone with ewh and they said it was a cross between a forsberg and a drury. He said it opened up more gradually but it wasnt as open as the drury. This sound right?

Sounds like what I've seen

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i have one too...the lie is pretty low and the blade is pretty long. its a nice curve but i would have liked it a little more had it been shorter. alot like the yzerman pro curve just a little longer i think.

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how low is the lie? 4.5? Havin 2nd thoughts now.

I've heard that it is around there but I've never had one.

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how low is the lie? 4.5? Havin 2nd thoughts now.

After sher-wood stoped making his retail version I had them make them for years and years until just with in months ago I went to a hex 1. It was a 4.5 also... I loved it.. great back hands big and square

still have some.

S.O.P 950 reinforced hossel

I wonder if that was his real hook? I know they never do that but that would be cool if they had. kind of sounds like it.

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Hey wait a minute your right.. I guess I had a brain fart...lolololololo You know my inventory better then me. Well then I guess they are not the same.. Maby the lie? Sorry guys... That's pretty bad hu?

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I think the other variant of Cheli´s curve is a little more closed and has a little toe hook to it.

Edit: lol....Jason beat me to it B)

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