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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I went to the Windsor one on Thursday and they had a bunch of S500's just flying out. I grabbed myself a P19 XN10, the only problem was they only had the P19's in XX stiff, and Super Whip (SW). I ended up getting the XX Stiff, since I use Esaton 110's anyways. I also went there this morning to see if they had any leftovers, and all they had was two pairs of S500's and one LH Red and Black XN10.

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I went to the Windsor one on Thursday and they had a bunch of S500's just flying out. I grabbed myself a P19 XN10, the only problem was they only had the P19's in XX stiff, and Super Whip (SW).

I'm pretty sure the SW flex is stiff whip, which is between a whip and a regular. but if you use 110 easton than it probably wouldnt have been a good choice anyways

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I went to the Windsor one on Thursday and they had a bunch of S500's just flying out. I grabbed myself a P19 XN10, the only problem was they only had the P19's in XX stiff, and Super Whip (SW).

I'm pretty sure the SW flex is stiff whip, which is between a whip and a regular. but if you use 110 easton than it probably wouldnt have been a good choice anyways

Trust me dude. It was super whip. I have a Regular flex Response Plus, and this thing was way whippier than that. It felt like it was around a 70 flex.

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I went to the Windsor one on Thursday and they had a bunch of S500's just flying out. I grabbed myself a P19 XN10, the only problem was they only had the P19's in XX stiff, and Super Whip (SW).

I'm pretty sure the SW flex is stiff whip, which is between a whip and a regular. but if you use 110 easton than it probably wouldnt have been a good choice anyways

Trust me dude. It was super whip. I have a Regular flex Response Plus, and this thing was way whippier than that. It felt like it was around a 70 flex.

stands for strong whip

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They are still available, lots of XN10's left in both right and left, there are a few syngery grips in right remain, some responses and response plus at the Mississauga location, also when I left work today there are still a few pairs of S500's.

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If anyone hears of the S500's going for a price like that again (at National Sports or other) let me know. I have a better idea of my size now (10.5EE) so am loosely looking for a pair (Chadd raves about his S500's, so has peaked my interest since my skates need replacing).

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If anyone hears of the S500's going for a price like that again (at National Sports or other) let me know. I have a better idea of my size now (10.5EE) so am loosely looking for a pair (Chadd raves about his S500's, so has peaked my interest since my skates need replacing).

Keep in mind the fact that I'm a raving lunatic. ;) One of the other guys on my team is in them now and he loves them as well.

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I have been reading up on them and the whole supple fit concept (extra stiff fore-foot, "looser" in the ankle) interests me. I rarely lace my skates up all the way as it is (leave the top 2 or 3 eyelets undone) so this might be a great skate for me.

As for others I've been thinking of: Bauer 8090, s500, Kor, or Vector/Tack Pro. The CCM's are still looking high in price, and I've used CCM almost exclusively my entire life, so am likely looking at either the 8090, S500, or Kor.

I don't like the tenon guard in the 8090 going up so high and being full plastic (the 1152's I'm using now the top part of the tenon guard isn't hard plastic - when I tried Bauer 7000's before I didn't like the way the tenon guard rubbed on the back of my leg when skating backwards).

SO... leaning towards the S500, Kor close second, and 8090 a close 3rd. Vector/Tack pro only if a really good deal comes along.

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I've been skating in SuppleFit skates for almost 4 years now. Nothing out there hasn't come close and my custom pair shipped out a couple of days ago :)

Peranis has them for $299.

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I'm still going strong with my PureFly's for over 3years.

Ogie, I used to wear CCM's too. I find Missions to be the closest fitting to the old x52 CCM Tacks line.

I use the term "fitting" loosely here. The feel wont be the same--hopefully better. But the overall boot shape (if you look from the bottom is very much the same. If your foot shape fits the old Tacks well, then switching to Missions would feel more natural in my opinion.

FYI - The s500's are back to regular price at National.

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