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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap under armor?

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Wal-mart.....That stuff they have is pretty damn good if I say so myself :D

7.99 as well for a shirt..Just like UA and I cant tell that much of a difference...

Get WikMax if you want an incredible shirt.....Those shirts blow UA out of the water

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Walmart carries Wilson's version which is the same as the Wilson Pro-Tec one but the name is different. I wear Pro-Tect and I like it a lot.

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Under armour outlet in Hagerstown MD. If close stop by if not call, they have a nice clearnace rack in the back for $9.99

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Wal-mart.....That stuff they have is pretty damn good if I say so myself :D

7.99 as well for a shirt..Just like UA and I cant tell that much of a difference...

Get WikMax if you want an incredible shirt.....Those shirts blow UA out of the water

I prefer the WSI product too and the Micro tech stuff is about $20 for a shirt at regular price. I wear those shirts every day at work.

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