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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why 65 flex

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I dont know the exact reason but a few years ago i needed a 65 flex really bad because a 75 was too stiff for me, I'm not too sure if that was a good idea cause thats basically like having a stiffer junior?

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A few companies have 75ish model senior sticks now too. It keeps the jump a little closer as well. 25 was a big jump (coming from junior) and 85 was fairly similar.

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I actually like the 75 int. flex, skinnier shaft and shorter to I dont have to cut half of the stick off and still a decent stiffness, I'm probably gonna have to switch back to seniros though since XXXlite will have 77, senior size.

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Why have most companies changed there intermediate flex to 65 flex instead of 75 flex?

We (Christian) made the decision to go with a 65 because of the cut-down factor. We found that most intermediate players who were using our sticks were cutting the stick down about 3". When you cut down a 75 flex 3", you are turning it into about a 90 flex.

As a coach of Squirts, I hate seeing my players using a stick that is too stiff for them. They do not have any appreciation for the feel of the puck. I have a kid on my team who is using a 100 flex Stealth that has been cut down about 12". This thing has no give to it whatsoever. It's no wonder he is one of my worst players. Ugh! :rolleyes:

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Well for the kids exemple i totally agreed! but where i can't understand is that a 75flex cut 3 inch turn into a 90..

on the POWERTEK stick..they have a chart at the handle of the shaft and each inch equal to a stiffer of '''3flex rating'' not 5...

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