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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys!

After trying like 4 different shaft in about 1 month...i find that grip shaft is now the way to go for me...anyways i'm getting off topic already lol!

I used a r2xn10(uncut...) for 1 year now...then i tried my SL with a z-carbon and i really love it...except the fact that it is A BIT TOO LIGHT!(no joke lol)

So i was wondering,what OPS cut, or shaft and blade real weight number!

Like golfpuck said..is RLXN10 weight 250 gram at 45 inch!(not 250gram at 48 inch!) that mean 5.5 grams per inch...

I figure out that my r2xn10 is the same thing as a rlxn10...so i did 5.5 x 52 inch equal 286 gram...this is not the 265 TPS advertise

QUESTION: So is there some one that ever weight their SL(preferably shaft...)

And i think it could be interesting to talk about it

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if i remember correctly sher-wood21 said that the

R2 comp blade was:129gram

Synthesis comp: around 140...

RLXN10:250 gram for 45inch

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Easiest way to do it is to add 20g to it. I weighed a bunch of sticks and it was pretty much +20g across the board.

My Stealth was 410 with the butt end, SiCore was 460, synthesis + prostock synthesis blade is 450, sicore synthesis blade was 150, and a buddies XXX was 430. The +20 thing sounds good enough to me.

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typically the lightest weights are the ones that come off the line first...same thing in the bike industry with sub 400g rims for years..most were 412-418 but really if the stick is balanced how you like it..weight is often the last thing you notice

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the r2 composite nash blade i have is 138g

each pattern will have a different weight

the pro stock xn10 response i have is 438g at full length not including the wood plug

easton retail shafts seem to be close to advertised weight

zbubble (green) and cyclone were within 5 grams

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Easiest way to do it is to add 20g to it. I weighed a bunch of sticks and it was pretty much +20g across the board.

Some companies use or use to use a +/- scale. That the stick had to be within a certain range. I can speak to the fact that Hespeler was + or - 10g on the listed weight. But the smart consumer could find a stick that was up to 15g-20g lighter than marked.

So if your lucky enough that the LHS carries a good quanity you can check a bunch.

My best advice always pick the one slightly heaiver.

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My best advice always pick the one slightly heaiver.

I'm guessing that's because their design weight includes the proper amount of carbon fibre and resins?

So if you get one that is lighter you are ending up with a stick that is short of the engineers design....in other words,more likey to break

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typically the lightest weights are the ones that come off the line first...same thing in the bike industry with sub 400g rims for years..most were 412-418 but really if the stick is balanced how you like it..weight is often the last thing you notice

Your right,but i'm a 2 peice guys...so i whant to make sure that if i buy this shaft with this blade it would feel great!

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