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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Customer service

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so i send back a 2 week old stealth, 100 flex, worst stick ever, i thouhgt i liked my old one so i bought a new one, was i wrong or what. anyways stick breaks on a clapper so i send it back, ask for a 100 rh forsberg SL instead they say sure. so i call today and they're liek we have no forsberg SL in stock,w e can send you a 85 forsberg grip SL, and im like ya thats fine.

my question is, why wouldnt the warehouse have this in stock? i mean honestly. rattles me.

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same thing happening to me...been about three weeks still waiting for my stealth grip. that lasted me 2 weeks. for apparently the same reason out of stock.

supposedly it will be here tomorrow. but you never know with easton.

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same thing happening to me...been about three weeks still waiting for my stealth grip. that lasted me 2 weeks. for apparently the same reason out of stock.

supposedly it will be here tomorrow. but you never know with easton.

buy the mission hex-1 you will sleep better.

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easton has the choice as does bauer and any other company to send a stick if they dont have the stick that you sent too them. what a person could always do is have the store give them a stick saying they have the pattern you want and the company could always give a credit to that store for

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When I broke my Grip SL they wouldn't let me have a Grip ST as my replacement because they said I could only have the stick I broke. Funny thing is they ended up sending me a normal blue SL, got my 85 Sakic at least.

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they sent me the wrong stick. that lead to me refusing to buy easton again.

when i broke my SL grip they sent me a non grip. i was kindof mad since i had bought a grip and thats what i wanted but it wasnt that big of a deal. i broke the replacement in 2 weeks.

im with jrhky36, im not buying another easton stick.

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so i got the St in the mail today, no SL and call them up and they're like o ya sorry, we'll send the SL tommorow. wow!

Did you get to keep the ST though?

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ya i did, i sent back 2 sticks. i took a one timer with the stealth in practice, broke it in half, then the next day used my reg silver synergy, one timer again shattered it. worst luck ever and i dont even liek the warrenty sticks that much cuz they break even easier, i have worse luck with them

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i dont even liek the warrenty sticks that much cuz they break even easier, i have worse luck with them

Do you think there is a quality difference between store bought and warranty replacements?

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i dont think theres any difference between warranty and stor stock sticks. reason they put the marking on the stick is so that the store knows its a warranty stick which does not have a warranty on it at all

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ya i did, i sent back 2 sticks. i took a one timer with the stealth in practice, broke it in half, then the next day used my reg silver synergy, one timer again shattered it. worst luck ever and i dont even liek the warrenty sticks that much cuz they break even easier, i have worse luck with them

Maybe you have to work on your technique ;)

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how bout the warrenty sticks suck. i had an SL warrenty last 4 months, while i just broke the Sl grip i got exactly 1 week ago and used 5 times. Thanks Easton, BAWANGO!!!

Like I don't drop enough cash already on them each month

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how bout the warrenty sticks suck. i had an SL warrenty last 4 months, while i just broke the Sl grip i got exactly 1 week ago and used 5 times. Thanks Easton, BAWANGO!!!

Like I don't drop enough cash already on them each month

lol, Jason, try the XXX...

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how bout the warrenty sticks suck. i had an SL warrenty last 4 months, while i just broke the Sl grip i got exactly 1 week ago and used 5 times. Thanks Easton, BAWANGO!!!

Like I don't drop enough cash already on them each month

I doubt that the warranty sticks are materially different.

Think about it, they'd have to design a similar but different stick, then predict how many they'll need to have the factory product for the year. I could see them setting aside those sticks whose paint jobs didn't come out well, but I doubt they'd purposely come up with an inferior model.

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Considering he's spent the better part of the last 2 years complaining about Easton durability, I wonder why he keeps using them. That's like being a regular at a restaurant where you don't like the food. Personally, I must keep getting the good ones because my Synergy, Stealth, and Synth combos have all held up rathe well. I must just be the lucky one.

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