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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well, i just got my nylon pair of doug doull's off ebay today, and used them for shinny, and have to say WOW! i was so pumped to get them and try them out that i just had say something. i've never put on such a comfortable glove on my hands. i got these for only 81$ cdn, which is a steal, considering i paid 200$ cdn for my retail hgt's. i gotta say, i'll never go back to leather gloves now. my only complaint is how thin the palm is. i can see it being gone by the end of the year, but i hope not.

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are those the digitech palms? cause i just bought a pair, and have those palms on them and now am wondering if they wear really quick when using a stick with grip coating

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sweet thanks, i've heard a lot bout them on here so i figured i'd go and give them a try, so far they feel really good on my hands, haven't had game time with them yet though, can't wait for the game tommorow

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Nice pickup, I have a pair of full nylon HGT's myself and they are easily one of the top two or three pair of gloves I've ever used.

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no, mine didn't come with digitech palms. i woulda loved it if they did. it's just one single layer, nash i believe. when i get home over the christmas break, i'm just gonna get a guy at the rink that repalms gloves to sew a leather patch on my left glove, since i'm right handed. should help the palm last longer.

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I tried to use a grip stick with my digipalms and I couldn't use it, way too much grip.

I've seen grip stick and grip palm combos rip up the gloves.

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