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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easy and maybe stupid question

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hi guys

because of the concave shaft in the xn10, will I have any problem putting a blade in a broken xn10?

Standard or tapered?

Do I need to put an ultra light blade for a good balance?


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A lighter blade will help for balance. Cut it to make it a tapered shaft. Off-hand I don't remember where that was, but the balance afterwards wasn't bad and the concve didn't give me much trouble.

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Cut about an inch after the TPS sign which is in the black paint next to PURE Balance

The "Pure Balance" sticker is about a foot and a half up from the bottom on a senior OPS. If you cut there, you have half a stick and it's pretty much useless.

Tap gently on the shaft and you will hear where it's hollow. When in doubt, cut lower than you think and cut again if you get some of the tenon.

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Cut about an inch after the TPS sign which is in the black paint next to  PURE Balance

The "Pure Balance" sticker is about a foot and a half up from the bottom on a senior OPS. If you cut there, you have half a stick and it's pretty much useless.

Tap gently on the shaft and you will hear where it's hollow. When in doubt, cut lower than you think and cut again if you get some of the tenon.

On a Jr. it was about an inch away from the TPS sign which is NEXT to Pure Balance sign

I wasnt saying cut AT the pure balance sign....

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because of the concave, if you look at the stick in the light the tenon is pretty visible in the shaft. turn the stick in the light and you should find it, but always cut lower just in case

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Cut about an inch after the TPS sign which is in the black paint next to  PURE Balance

The "Pure Balance" sticker is about a foot and a half up from the bottom on a senior OPS. If you cut there, you have half a stick and it's pretty much useless.

Tap gently on the shaft and you will hear where it's hollow. When in doubt, cut lower than you think and cut again if you get some of the tenon.

On a Jr. it was about an inch away from the TPS sign which is NEXT to Pure Balance sign

I wasnt saying cut AT the pure balance sign....

Finding the fuse point is simple on TPS sticks and the tennon is only 2 inches or so into the shaft above that point. Using the Pure Balance as a reference point is kinda dumb. Even on the junior stick it's over a foot above the fuse point and entirely irrelevant.

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An R2 blade will fit in there. In my opinion it fits a bit smaller than a synthesis blade. But it depends on where you cut it. Like Chadd said, nothing a bit of tape won't fix if it feels loose.

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I didn't have any problem replacing the blade in mine (and yes, a tapered blade). Tapered blades are not quite as standardized as regular blades, so you may have to use tape on the tenon to make a tight fit (as Chadd mentioned) depending on the brand.

Regardless, if you can see where the fuse point is (crack in the paint?) you can just put the blade in a vice, heat it at the fuse point, and pull the bad blade straight out.

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Regardless, if you can see where the fuse point is (crack in the paint?) you can just put the blade in a vice, heat it at the fuse point, and pull the bad blade straight out.

Ogie's advice is good. I've done this with 2 XN10s with ease. One didn't even have the paint cracked at the fuse point and I was still able to easily remove the blade.

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I bought a Por stock xn10 cut OPS from someone...and tapered side...seem okay for my synthesis blade but on the other size, nothing could fit in...i need to shave a bit of the shaft...and i tihnk if i put a standard blade or a plug(if used tapered blade) i would need to shave it a bit...

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