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NHL Goalies in new gear...

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Did anyone else notice that there seemed to be a lot of NHL goalies in new Vaughn gear this weekend?

Flyers: Niiti changed from Itech Prodigy's to Velo's

Tampa: looked like Graham had a new pair on with a similar same graphic to his last

Oilers: Markanen changed from Itech Prodigy's to Velo's

Carolina: Ward had a new pair of Velo's with the canes logo on the shins.

On a side note: I thought the NHL didn't allow team logos on the goalies equipment. I seem to recall a pittsburgh netminder with a set of beasts sporting the penguins logo that had to change his pads after an NHL ruling...


Found a picture. It was Caron that had the Beasts with the Penguins logo.


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On the Vaughn FAQ they say that they "do not endorse / sponsor teams or individual players"

as for the picture of the team logo on pads, why wouldnt they be allowed to do that? Its just the same as a logo on our lids now isnt it? or on a jersey ... what about all teh older sherwood pads look like a maple leaf when put together (IMO) so if playing for team cana da like that girl goalie was she had sherwood like a leaf ( still IMO) and the states have stars and stripes too so i dont think that was ever a very invorced rule.


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exactly what I'm saying.... and may be these guys just got their new checks in the mail and wanted to spend it on a better pad set

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off topic but quick question. how long does it take for a NHL goalie to get his new custom pads? does he just call up the company and say what they want maybe go in for a fitting or something then how long would production take?

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off topic but quick question. how long does it take for a NHL goalie to get his new custom pads? does he just call up the company and say what they want maybe go in for a fitting or something then how long would production take?

It depends if they have already had pads made for them. I know in my uncle's shop we deal with Garth Snow, Alfie Michaud, and Jimmy Howard (all from the University of Maine). With Alfie this summer it took pretty much a whole month because he was moving into the RBK's from his Koho 590's. We ordered him a pair of stock pads so he could get a feel. Then he ordered a pair custom done in neutral colors and tried those out. Then we finally ordered his final pair. He ended up with a pair of those and a pair of Koho 580's. When ordering it took about 3 weeks.

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off topic but quick question. how long does it take for a NHL goalie to get his new custom pads? does he just call up the company and say what they want maybe go in for a fitting or something then how long would production take?

Brian's does pro goalies in 24 hours. They go to the shop, get sized, and the pads go right into production. Very impressive if you ask me.

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Caron doesnt wear those pads anymore simply because he didn't like them. He's a Bauer guy and those pads were just made as a demo set for him. He didn't like them so he sent them back. It wasn't just a logo situation or he'd be sporting a new pair of Beasts today. As far as the logos go, this is something in the NHL called branding. Branding is a form of advertising. Basically rules are set up with branding to prevent people from advertising too much on equipment. For example, every gear company is allowed 2 logos on the face of their equipment. For every additional logo they must shell out more $ and it's a LOT. They do this to prevent people from going crazy with advertising so the league doesn't turn out looking like the Euro leagues.

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Did anyone else notice that there seemed to be a lot of NHL goalies in new Vaughn gear this weekend?

Flyers: Niiti changed from Itech Prodigy's to Velo's

Tampa: looked like Graham had a new pair on with a similar same graphic to his last

Oilers: Markanen changed from Itech Prodigy's to Velo's

Carolina: Ward had a new pair of Velo's with the canes logo on the shins.

Last night Marty Turco switch from a RBK to a Vaughn catch glove. I also like Markanen's new pads. I think that they have the grpahics reversed. Very nice

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