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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rick Nash Pro Curve

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ricks got a dirty heel curve, i remember seeing it during the that hockey tournament when the lockout was going on and there was a camera looking at him and his curve looks like a freaking pitching wedge

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no....his tps stick is kinda like a rafaski curve. Not really like a pitching wedge

he might have 2 curves cause the curve i saw was a dirty heel i remember cause it was the talk at work the next day how his curve was

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no....his tps stick is kinda like a rafaski curve. Not really like a pitching wedge

Retail curve names are rarely similar to the actual pro curves.

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Also the 7 lie would make sense because he doesn't seem to have a very deep knee bend when he skates. Overall a very awkward skating player in my eyes. I could also see a wedge, like Cavs said he needs to get that garbage up quick so he can get it in.

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