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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Gloves

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Actually, yes they are manufatured in Canada, but not in London, only the goalie equipment is there. The gloves are made in Montreal.

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Their low end gloves are made in the orient, X30/40/50

It says in their catalogue that the X50 is "domestically made." I would assume that to mean in Canada...

X50i is made offshore, X50 is Canadian

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Just a curious question here...but, with production from almost all of the other companies having gone to the Orient in the high end, would it be a big deal if Eagle made gloves over there as well? Like I said, I'm just curious.

Vapor XXX and XX = Orient

8K = Orient

Pro Tack = Orient

HGT = Orient

Symmetry :D = Orient

10000/L7 = Orient

Maybe this should be a different topic all together...

I think you dropped something.

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Just a curious question here...but, with production from almost all of the other companies having gone to the Orient in the high end, would it be a big deal if Eagle made gloves over there as well? Like I said, I'm just curious.

Vapor XXX and XX = Orient

8K = Orient

Pro Tack = Orient

HGT = Orient

Symmetry :D = Orient

10000/L7 = Orient

Maybe this should be a different topic all together...

Considering the quality of the X30 and X40 gloves, they will still be well made gloves. Because of that, I would have no issues with them being made elsewhere. Considering the issues with offshore products this year, I can't imagine they would be considering that right now.

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Considering the quality of the X30 and X40 gloves, they will still be well made gloves. Because of that, I would have no issues with them being made elsewhere. Considering the issues with offshore products this year, I can't imagine they would be considering that right now.

Offshore products, meaning hardgoods like hockey gloves or apparel?

If you are being told that your non-apparel items are late due to Quota, you are being lied to...

Customer service was telling me over the summer and early fall that gloves had not yet arrived and were past due. I was told it was a customs problem and they had not been realeased, until October. My 30s and 40s came late last month and early this month and my pink X50is were not flash but carbon instead.

Everything from Canada arrived on time and as-ordered.

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Customer service was telling me over the summer and early fall that gloves had not yet arrived and were past due. I was told it was a customs problem and they had not been realeased, until October. My 30s and 40s came late last month and early this month and my pink X50is were not flash but carbon instead.

Well, that was a problem at the port in Vancouver which is where we have things come in, which is similar to the strike that occured a few years back at the LA & Long Beach ports. That is different from the Quota excuse that is being used. The strike finally got cleared up, however, by the time all the shipments from how many companies (Walmart through little hockey companies) were unloaded, that was the problem.

As far as the pink was concerned, that was a case of the material being in limited supply to begin with. I know that we will be better prepared for 2006 with regards to the pink glove.

As a matter of fact, you will see a new combo involving pink for 2006 that is muy caliente!

My only point in regards to sending more production offshore is that it adds more potential problems. If they are confident that the problems will not happen again, that's a good sign. A lot of people would be gunshy after this year.

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