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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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salming sticks

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Actually, you and me both.

It's taken a little bit of persuasion on my part to convince Sweden that we need the Modano on all our models for the North American market. I think I've convinced him that the Modano is far more popular here than in Europe. I think...

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Actually, you and me both.

It's taken a little bit of persuasion on my part to convince Sweden that we need the Modano on all our models for the North American market. I think I've convinced him that the Modano is far more popular here than in Europe. I think...

5 lie blades in general are a good thing, smaller curves with 5 lies (or lower) are even better.

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type salming in the search function on select search topics only... I think MSH could save some comments from ppl who have tried searching and didn't find what they were looking for if topics only was default instead of the other...

I'm sure you've tried both, just past experiance... (and bad gramma lol) :P

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type salming in the search function on select search topics only... I think MSH could save some comments from ppl who have tried searching and didn't find what they were looking for if topics only was default instead of the other...

I'm sure you've tried both, just past experiance... (and bad gramma lol)  :P

I tried searching and found Jason's estimate of $185-195 for the TF Evolution, but did not find a price on the TF1 or G1. And that's what I think is the biggest problem with the search engine (or my use of it): You can easily find threads containing proper words such as "Evolution", but every time I type in something like TF1, G1, Hex-1, etc., I get an error message.

Any way, my question still stands: Does anyone know the MSRP for the G1 and/or TF1?

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I sell the G1 for $139, cant remember what I sell the TF1 for but it is less than the G1. Haven't got the Evolution yets....Jason????? Holding back the good stuff?

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I can give the MSRP's of all the sticks today, but I haven't received what my costs will be next year, so these prices might change in 2006.

TF3 - 89.90

TF2 - 114.90

TF1 - 129.90

G1 - 159.90

Evo - 194.90

I have a smaller amount of G1's and TF1's remaining that have older paint colors. After the first of the year, I'll make those available to the retailers at a discount, so it's possible you'll see the sticks at less than these prices.

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More importantly, when is the Salming goal stick coming out??????

They made goalie sticks through the 2004 season, but the factory they used went out of business. I bought the remaining stock (about 20 pieces) and sold them to friends at cost. It was funny how some guys said, "Wow, these are heavy!" and then others said, "Geez, these are light!" Those who liked the sticks bought about four each.

I'm working on getting them again. I think you're aware we're the Official Sponsor to the HHOF? When you go there, they have a rink zone where you can either take shots or play goalie. All the sticks are Salming on the offensive side, so I've asked Sweden to have the factory we use for our wooden sticks to make some for the goalie side.

Sweden is concerned that they don't have time to rework the design, but my feedback is that the previous design would be fine.

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Haven't got the Evolution yets....Jason????? Holding back the good stuff?

Hey, you better believe "the largest Salming Dealer in New England!" gets first pickings on the Christmas trees!

I was able to get into the warehouse briefly before the main shipment was sent to an organization outside Worcester, so I put a couple in for Ron to be able to display. They're due to arrive on Monday -- I'll ask him if he can fit in a visit to your shop.

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Haven't got the Evolution yets....Jason?????  Holding back the good stuff?

Hey, you better believe "the largest Salming Dealer in New England!" gets first pickings on the Christmas trees!

I was able to get into the warehouse briefly before the main shipment was sent to an organization outside Worcester, so I put a couple in for Ron to be able to display. They're due to arrive on Monday -- I'll ask him if he can fit in a visit to your shop.

Sweeeeet! How bout some white PG-1's too.

BTW, tell Ron to ditch the suit and tie and come visit up "regular folks" more often. :D

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Haven't got the Evolution yets....Jason?????  Holding back the good stuff?

Hey, you better believe "the largest Salming Dealer in New England!" gets first pickings on the Christmas trees!

I was able to get into the warehouse briefly before the main shipment was sent to an organization outside Worcester, so I put a couple in for Ron to be able to display. They're due to arrive on Monday -- I'll ask him if he can fit in a visit to your shop.

Sweeeeet! How bout some white PG-1's too.

BTW, tell Ron to ditch the suit and tie and come visit up "regular folks" more often. :D

I just figured I'd steal one from the booth.

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type salming in the search function on select search topics only... I think MSH could save some comments from ppl who have tried searching and didn't find what they were looking for if topics only was default instead of the other...

I'm sure you've tried both, just past experiance... (and bad gramma lol)  :P

I tried searching and found Jason's estimate of $185-195 for the TF Evolution, but did not find a price on the TF1 or G1. And that's what I think is the biggest problem with the search engine (or my use of it): You can easily find threads containing proper words such as "Evolution", but every time I type in something like TF1, G1, Hex-1, etc., I get an error message.

Any way, my question still stands: Does anyone know the MSRP for the G1 and/or TF1?

The search function does not work for searches containing three letters or less, such as you mentioned (TF1, G1, etc.). Try entering something like "Salming G1" and it will pull all the Salming related topics, and I'm sure from there you will find something on the sticks you're looking for. I know, it's a pain looking through all the topics, but patience my dear boy, patience.

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Otherwise, we won't have Modano's available until next year.

By "next year" do you by any chance mean early 2006, or do you mean when Salming releases the next year's line in fall/winter 2006?

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That's an interesting question, Cheechoo. We received an email yesterday from Sweden saying they've been busy getting everything ready for tradeshow season, and they forgot to tell us that if we want to buy some inventory for the early part of next year, we need to order this week -- meaning yesterday!

There's no doubt it would be great to have newer products around April, but I might not be able to do it. Without knowing what products prove to be popular at the tradeshow, and without having a large retailer base yet, that may be too little notice. So, consequently, we may have to wait until around August for the 2006 products -- except for the Evolutions I received this week.

Last, I'm not positive we're going to have the Modano on all the sticks next year, but Rikard tells everyone that I'm stubborn -- affectionately, I think! :angry: -- and I'm going to badger him until I see them arrive at my docks.

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Second feedback: Still incomplete, most likely due to my fault.

I knew I would play tonight and I wanted to get the Ergo Grip into the Evolution, but the nearest rink is around 17 miles away, so I popped over to Home Depot to buy a heat gun. I had put a blade in once before, and wasn't that good at it, but I figured it can't be brain surgery.

Everything was fine for most of the warm-ups. A couple of us used the stick but by the end the grip started coming loose, so I had to switch back to the G1. I can see why the Austrian distributor said the Evolution has more performance yet less durability than the G1. The common observation was the stick was whippy. This is an 85 flex, whereas my G1 is an 80 flex, yet the Evolution seemed whippier. It seemed shots were harder, but it seems intuitive that it would be easier to break sticks with whip, although I recall seeing a recent thread that said otherwise.

I really like its grip, although I think some might not. It's very smooth, which I like because my gloves have grip. I didn't have enough opportunity to concentrate on the feel of the stick, but I didn't have problems the first time.

Of course, the the most important question is how do I properly reattach the Ergo Grip? I'm assuming I need to put a piece of tape on it before reinserting it, but should I melt away the remaining glue, so the tape has better adherence to the grip? Then put new glue on? Or do I just put on the tape, then more glue on top of it?

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Sven, that's the new TF Evolution that Mikael Samelsson of the Red Wings has been using. (And Jonas Hoglund in the Swedish elite league). I just received my shipment Wednesday and have used it twice now, but I had problems with my Ergo Grip last night during warm-ups, so I really have played with it only once.

It might even be a better performing stick than the G1 -- which is an outstanding stick -- but not quite as durable. (You haven't used the G1, but at least 25% of the players who have bought G1's have told me it's the best composite stick they've used.) The Evolution seemed whippier for an 85 flex versus the 80 flex G1 I use, and my shots seemed slightly harder. The shaft is thin, although not quite as thin as the G1. And it has smooth surface, which I like. Last, it's light at 435 grams and well balanced.

Based on my two times using it, I think you're going to like it, but I just want to forewarn people that the increased performance might come at the expense of durability. I know a lot of people whose G1's lasted over a year, but I don't have enough experience to know whether the Evolution will last that long.

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Just put some friction tape on, heat it up good. You can put glue over the tape but really no necessary.

Jimmy, I'm pretty sure I did a poor job of installing this, so I have a question about proper sequence. I've noticed that a many of the plugs and blades have a big glob of glue near the tip. Once I had heated the glue, should I have spread it all around the inner shaft? Does it create a better bond by spreading it around?

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but I just want to forewarn people that the increased performance might come at the expense of durability

I think a lot of people on this board realize that performance often comes at the expense of durability in hockey sticks, so this is nothing new to most of us. Nevertheless, it's very refreshing to hear a rep state that fact openly and honestly. That type of business attitude alone makes me want to try a Salming as my next stick.

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Just put some friction tape on, heat it up good.  You can put glue over the tape but really no necessary.

Jimmy, I'm pretty sure I did a poor job of installing this, so I have a question about proper sequence. I've noticed that a many of the plugs and blades have a big glob of glue near the tip. Once I had heated the glue, should I have spread it all around the inner shaft? Does it create a better bond by spreading it around?

I wouldn't spread it on the inner shaft, but I would apply more glue to the plug. I notice on my plugs that if they start to come out, I'll just flip the stick and slam the plug back in, and it's good to go for another few weeks.

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Just put some friction tape on, heat it up good.  You can put glue over the tape but really no necessary.

Jimmy, I'm pretty sure I did a poor job of installing this, so I have a question about proper sequence. I've noticed that a many of the plugs and blades have a big glob of glue near the tip. Once I had heated the glue, should I have spread it all around the inner shaft? Does it create a better bond by spreading it around?

The glue is near the tip so it spreads along as you insert. If you use tape and it still is loose, you have a big problem, either the specs on the plug are off, or the shaft end is split. Normally its the butt end or blade that is off. With friction tape, you really don't even need glue. Try that.

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but I just want to forewarn people that the increased performance might come at the expense of durability

I think a lot of people on this board realize that performance often comes at the expense of durability in hockey sticks, so this is nothing new to most of us. Nevertheless, it's very refreshing to hear a rep state that fact openly and honestly. That type of business attitude alone makes me want to try a Salming as my next stick.

Cheechoo, I appreciate the kind words.

I consider myself to be an honest person. I also think it's a necessary trait if I want my business to survive long term. There's a cliche that I absolutely believe in: Win-Win.

If you win, but I lost money, I'll politely tell you the next time that it didn't work out for me. If I win, but you felt you were cheated, not only will you not buy from me again, but you'll let your friends know. But if we both win, then hopefully we have a business relationship that lasts a long time. That's obviously the goal, so it's important for me to build realistic expectations in my customers. Otherwise, they will feel cheated when the product didn't measure up to their expectations.

I think the G1 might well be the most durable stick on the market, but I had an experience this year that taught me a lesson. A buddy of mine in Atlanta bought a stick for his teammate. It broke during the first period, so I sent a replacement. That broke on the first shot. I had only had four sticks break throughout America and this guy had two of them! You can only imagine what his opinion of Salming was, but I sent him a third stick and it's lasted close to a year now.

It taught me to qualify when I tell people that we may have the most durable stick. I'll say we've only had a little over 2% break during the 30 day warranty, but that means that 2% will break, and it's possible that you'll be among the 2%. We'll replace the stick -- but not for breaking it over the boards.... ;) -- but I want you to be aware that it WILL break one day, and even possibly within the first 30 days.

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