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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is cooper still around?

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It has been almost 10 years since I played hockey. Now that my son has hit the ice, I have dusted off my old gear (talk about 10-year hockey funk). Anyway, all of my pad were by cooper, but it does not seem like cooper is still around (or popular).

What did I miss out on in ten years? Did cooper get bought out by some other sports mega company?

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ha, i'm still using cooper stuff. i'm still rockin' some pants and the techniflex shoulder pads. best shoulder pads i've ever used/put on. i have a basically new pair of nylon techniflex gloves too. but yeah, cooper died when they got bought out.

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ha, i'm still using cooper stuff. i'm still rockin' some pants and the techniflex shoulder pads. best shoulder pads i've ever used/put on. i have a basically new pair of nylon techniflex gloves too. but yeah, cooper died when they got bought out.

I have the techniflex shoulder and elbow pads. My elbow pads still rock, after 10-years in my bag sitting in the basement. The shoulder pads...well... they are still good, but will need to be de-molded.

Cooper used to be top-of-the-line... or so I thought.

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I think there is some new cooper stuff that is low end available at Canadian Tire.

i saw that in a flyer today too. white with blue trim equipment...i guess Canadian Tire SMU?

didn't crappy tire put out a cooper ops too a couple months back?

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