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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Heatley

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Pics of the curve or the new blade chart, anyone? And what do you mean with new Stealth CNT? Did I miss something?

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i think its closer to lindro, looks really small, but its 5 lie, about time they have more 5 lies

I've been banging that drum for a long time now. Most of the guys I see with the 5.5 lie sticks have them cut down to their collarbone or below on their skates.

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i think its closer to lindro, looks really small, but its 5 lie, about time they have more 5 lies

I've been banging that drum for a long time now. Most of the guys I see with the 5.5 lie sticks have them cut down to their collarbone or below on their skates.

Yeah that´s right. I´m a lie 5 guy myself and if that thing is like the Lindros (hopefully a little tad deeper) than I might just give Easton another chance.

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i think its closer to lindro, looks really small, but its 5 lie, about time they have more 5 lies

Agreed - I am a strict 5 lie guy - I wish they would come out with a Lie 5 that has slightly more curve then a modano- modano clone - Something like a Iggy -- I bet it would sell great- seems to me theres a big market for guys who prefer Lie 5's


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i think its closer to lindro, looks really small, but its 5 lie, about time they have more 5 lies

Agreed - I am a strict 5 lie guy - I wish they would come out with a Lie 5 that has slightly more curve then a modano- modano clone - Something like a Iggy -- I bet it would sell great- seems to me theres a big market for guys who prefer Lie 5's


I think the reason the people who make sticks dont offer different lies is im not sure if that many people know what lie is. I kno if i asked anyone on my hockey team none of them would have a clue on what it was.

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i think its closer to lindro, looks really small, but its 5 lie, about time they have more 5 lies

Agreed - I am a strict 5 lie guy - I wish they would come out with a Lie 5 that has slightly more curve then a modano- modano clone - Something like a Iggy -- I bet it would sell great- seems to me theres a big market for guys who prefer Lie 5's


I think the reason the people who make sticks dont offer different lies is im not sure if that many people know what lie is. I kno if i asked anyone on my hockey team none of them would have a clue on what it was.

Same for any of my 3 teams... Maybe 2 kids total.

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They may not know what a lie is persay, but they do know the pattern and the way it plays. They may not know that need a 5 or 6 lie by measurement, but I bet once they played with a blade, they would know from the puck slipping that they can't use a particular blade.

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They may not know what a lie is persay, but they do know the pattern and the way it plays. They may not know that need a 5 or 6 lie by measurement, but I bet once they played with a blade, they would know from the puck slipping that they can't use a particular blade.

Don't count on it. Most of my customers still use a particular curve because of the name or the size of the curve.Coffey, coffey, coffey. Gee, I wonder why you can't catch a pass on the backhand.

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They may not know what a lie is persay, but they do know the pattern and the way it plays. They may not know that need a 5 or 6 lie by measurement, but I bet once they played with a blade, they would know from the puck slipping that they can't use a particular blade.

Don't count on it. Most of my customers still use a particular curve because of the name or the size of the curve.Coffey, coffey, coffey. Gee, I wonder why you can't catch a pass on the backhand.

I can no problem with my Coffey curve... Oh well.

Nowadays it seems that it's Sakic anyways, everyone on my team with an Eason (sans two Iggy's) had Sakic curves... And often put it way over the net.

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I can't believe a player would be so stupid or so stubborn, and not realize they are using a wrong lie. Fine, you don't know what one is...but you accept the fact that the puck keeps going under your heel? Man, people are dumb.

I don't doubt you Chad. I know from experience. I'll say, "Hey what blade is that? What's the lie?" And people will respond, "It's a (Insert Pattern here). Lie? What the hell? I dunno, but I like the curve."

Curve is the most important. But lie is at least second. A few weeks ago I got a Marleau prostock blade. Swore it was a 5 or 5.5 at most. Played one shift with it...waaaaay off. Took it home, measured it, turned out to be a 6. Haven't used it since.

But to think there are people out there that just keep playing with bad lies cuz they are clueless about what it is (and how important it is)...damn. Just..Damn!

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