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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa Girdle

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Here i thought THC had a brand new concept for their RBK 8k pants and i was going to give them credit for it then i found the jofa 9800 girdle and lost all respect ( http://www.jofa.se/jofa/catalog/view_prod....2=172&cat3=&s=0 ) i have no clue what it says there at all but why couldnt they sell them in the states last year or the year before. i definately would have bought them i dont know about anyone else.

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i knew they were part of it. heck they were either to dumb or to lazy to take jofa off the rbk shoulder pads. so jofa is still "alive" in sweeden? or are they last years model? i just thought they were really nice looking and great that they were offered as a girdle and couldnt figure out why they werent retail here

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i knew they were part of it. heck they were either to dumb or to lazy to take jofa off the rbk shoulder pads.

That was to reassure the people who liked the old Jofa stuff that the RBK was just the new Jofa gear.

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i knew they were part of it. heck they were either to dumb or to lazy to take jofa off the rbk shoulder pads. so jofa is still "alive" in sweeden? or are they last years model? i just thought they were really nice looking and great that they were offered as a girdle and couldnt figure out why they werent retail here

The Jofa 7500/9800 girdles are very "alive" in Sweden. You see them in almost every retail store, (but hardly any 8K RBK:s).

They are not at all last years model. Swedens national team all wears the Jofa girdle...

Infact Jofa came with a new shell for this year, with buttons at the leg zippers...

It's a very nice pant and i just bought my son his third pair, since he likes them so much... :rolleyes:

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obviously u can buy the 8k pants thats what i wear, i dont think you can the jofa girdle because as previously mentioned there is a patent issue so they cant use whatever "Technology" they have on their girlde in the US

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