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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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hey jbyun04, i was wonerdin, are there gunna be n e new player skates besides the One series?

other than a low end Vapor model which I can't remember the name of, no.

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Radulov was wearing XXX's one period in the WJC's, the next he was wearing One90's. I have to say after seeing them in person they look damn sexy

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Radulov was wearing XXX's one period in the WJC's, the next he was wearing One90's. I have to say after seeing them in person they look damn sexy

i agree. I thought they looked way better in person than in picture.

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I went to the Boston College-Providence game tonight. Nate Gerbe on BC had a blue and silver stick that looked like an SL. He'd used them before in the season so I thought nothing of it. When he skated over to the corner I was sitting in, I noticed it was blue on the handle and had Nike/Bauer logos on the shaft, has anyone else seen this stick? I checked the catologue and didn't see it there.

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Custom Vap XX maybe?

I don't think so because there wasn't the black label on the hosel, and it went from black blade, fading to blue hosel, fading to white/silver shaft, and blue handle.

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Custom Vap XX maybe?

I don't think so because there wasn't the black label on the hosel, and it went from black blade, fading to blue hosel, fading to white/silver shaft, and blue handle.

Look from the second stick from right, isn't this stick you're talking about Stick ?

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Hey hockey kid18, that stick is actually the bauer 8000. You can even see the writing under his right hand. A kid on my team has that stick. He said he purchased it in canada.

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Nice pic, and I don't mind the combined Bauer-Nike label......Just wondering if at some point RBK will do the same with CCM?

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