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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Etiquette

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I bid on an item last week. The item ended and I did not win (I bid $30...I think it went for $33).

I just got a Second Chance Offer to buy the item for 30.00, but in the meantime, the seller has posted another auction for the same item (He obviously has a supply he keeps re-posting). So...is it "wrong" to bid on the item that just went up (which I could probably get for between 25-30), or should I just take the 2nd Chance @$30.00 because I already said I'd pay that amount once.

Not sure if there is a buyers etiqutte to this kind of thing.

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You're not obligated to the Second Chance Offer, regardless fof what you had been willing to pay.

In some cases you might be willing to accept the seller's Second Chance Offer, in others it makes sense to bid again.

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I bid on an item last week. The item ended and I did not win (I bid $30...I think it went for $33).

I just got a Second Chance Offer to buy the item for 30.00, but in the meantime, the seller has posted another auction for the same item (He obviously has a supply he keeps re-posting). So...is it "wrong" to bid on the item that just went up (which I could probably get for between 25-30), or should I just take the 2nd Chance @$30.00 because I already said I'd pay that amount once.

Not sure if there is a buyers etiqutte to this kind of thing.

Go for the re-bid, forget the second chance. There's nothing that says you have to take the second chance, nor is there an implicit etiquette to it. The seller shouldn't be offended if you re-bid instead - anybody would, if they thought they could get a better price.

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You bid at your own risk! You never know, this time it could go for more than the last time and it could be his last one, you just never know(the disadvantages of ebay)! You should just take the second chance price if you definately want the item.

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You bid at your own risk! You never know, this time it could go for more than the last time and it could be his last one, you just never know(the disadvantages of ebay)! You should just take the second chance price if you definately want the item.

That's exactly what I was thinking. You should rebid. But if you don't think there is a demand for the item, then I would rebid on the item.

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I'd pass on the 2nd chance, I mean etiquette + eBay doesn't seem right. If it were, you wouldn't get the lurkers who bid in the last 10secs on items.

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I bid on the new item...but seeing as how the 2nd Chance is good for a week and the item ends tonight...I'll still have a chance at it later if I get outbid tonight.

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Be Carefull Scam

not even related

Yes It is, what they are doing is getting the list of bids that go public at the end. Then send you a e-mail, sometimes through the ebay system, Everything checks out untill you go to pay, them they tell you to send it western union, and make up a reason why they can not go through paypal. It is happening a lot

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I'd pass on the 2nd chance, I mean etiquette + eBay doesn't seem right.  If it were, you wouldn't get the lurkers who bid in the last 10secs on items.

I HATE that. Absolutely hate it. However, I find that I, myself, do that now too as it's the only way to win. Yeah, inconvenient, sleazy, and supposedly against the written ettiquette of ebay (I think I read somewhere that this is frowned upon) but what's a guy gotta do to win one of these things? That's why I rarely look at newly listed items (except for those that have BUY IT NOW) and just check out the items that are soon ending.

I win a few more than I used to (and at good prices), but I don't feel good about it sometimes.

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Exactly. I hate placing a bid knowing I won't be there at the end and some jackass will pull a Price is Right and cockblock me by .50

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