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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Svens suffering

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Hi guys,

prolly some guys will know this ordeal but for those who dont, i will explain it.

I got wide feet and i tested several skates, i bought some online and some in hockeystores.

The last (2) pair(s) i purchased was a pair of 692 Tacks, first in 7E, but then they felt too short, so i sold them and got them in 7.5E..

I tried them on in a store, they were good, but when im on the ice, they are still good for about 25 mins but then my toes are getting numb and i cant feel them anymore.

When i had the 7E pair, i thought it would be because of the length, but now it seems like it was the length and width.

I got them punched out but it didnt help much...

Im planning to get a new pair of skates, even tho im VERY fed up with this sh*t, i guess people with skate problems will know this situation and how annoying it can be.

I tested Bauer Vapor XX in EE and they were also too small.

Can you tell me some skates which are wider than x92 Tacks in E-Width ?

I've heard that the Flexlite V-12's are very wide, but thats just what ive heard and im not sure.

Dont care about the price, just list every wide skate, i can choose later on anyways.


i hope i can get a serious treatment and help, this isnt funny anymore :(


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V-12s or 8090s are really wide skates.

i have somewhat wide feet but can wear a D width in a ccm. but when i tried 8090's in a D width they pinched like heck so i dont think they are very wide skates...

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No, i dont think thats the problem.

Once when we had a practice, i tied them a bit too loose (or just not so tight like i always do) and after some minutes my toes got numb.

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I have 8090's I have a wide foot and one foots bigger than the other. Past skates ive had to take D and E width and ive had EE skates and now with the 8090's i take an E width. The 8090's are probably the only skates that i could find that would fit me. overal great skate.

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It sort of depends on your foot shape. I find the Nikes to be snug (nicely) in the heel, but very loose in the toe/ball of foot area. If this sounds like your foot, then maybe...

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Alright, wheres actually the difference between the Nike Flexlite 12 and Nike [Quest, i guess] V12 ?

And do the Nike Flexlite 10 and 9 fit like the 12 ?

Does anyone (e.g. Dave) have a clue about going for custom skates in germany, europe ?

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I still think that it might be that your lacing them up too tight. I had the EXACT same problem with my CCM's that I was fitted for. Try keeping the laces at the bottom looser and gradually have them tighter 1 by 1 as the laces get closer to your ankle.

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Forgt about getting customs in Germany. Almost impossible for a non-pro and price would be through the roof. Rather, check out the Kölner Haie equipment show which isn't that far from your place. They have a lot of EE width skates, including the wide and comfy Nike line.

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In my opinion, only Nike V-series or Bauer 8090 will fit u.

Trust me, cause I have Wide feet. I have to stretch my nike v-force (7.5EE) even that is supposed to be the widest skate ever made.

I have CCM tacks before and I totally understand your problem with it.

So far, the Nike is pretty good, at least I can feel my forefoot during the game.

Even though many suggest Graf 709/609 are for wide foot people, I personally cannot squeeze into one even in wide width. also, the toe box is extremely small and the skate looks pretty ugly in this way.

I tried on 8090 at LHS after my purchase of Nike online, and I found that it is comfortable too. With a little stretch, it can be a perfect skate for me. But I have never skate on one, so I'm not sure how it plays out in the long run.

hope it helps.

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Thanks for the input, gez.

Does anyone know if the Nike Flexlite 10 and Flexlite 9 are as wide as the Flexlite 12 ?

Dave: What do you mean with "[...]check out the Kölner Haie equipment show which isn't that far from your place[...]" ?

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Dave: What do you mean with "[...]check out the Kölner Haie equipment show which isn't that far from your place[...]" ?

I´d love to know that as well :D

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Thanks for the input, gez.

Does anyone know if the Nike Flexlite 10 and Flexlite 9 are as wide as the Flexlite 12 ?

Dave: What do you mean with "[...]check out the Kölner Haie equipment show which isn't that far from your place[...]" ?

Sorry, there is a typo. It should be "equipment shop". Haie a a new shop in their practice facility. Lots of NBH and some CCM/RBK stuff, many skate choices in EE from what I've seen.

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I still think that it might be that your lacing them up too tight. I had the EXACT same problem with my CCM's that I was fitted for. Try keeping the laces at the bottom looser and gradually have them tighter 1 by 1 as the laces get closer to your ankle.

By doing that, the laces will be fine for the first couple minutes, but after about 10 or so minutes the tension will reach equilibrium throughout the skate. In my opinion, this is not a solution to the problem. This is the reason CCM put the locks on the vector series.

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I am also interested in peoples thoughts. my boyfriend tried some Easton 700 Synergy skates yesterday in a 7W, punched out near the toe knuckle area. after a quick 20 minute demo he couldn't bear the pain any longer & ended up getting his money back.

the sales rep suggested Graf 609s or 709s in wide as the next step. he just wants comfortable skates to learn how to skate & play beginners rec hockey in. any other suggestions besides 609s and 709s?

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This may be a dumb question, but are you sure the skates are too narrow? Do they feel like they are squeezing the sides of your feet?

I suffered with severe foot pain from a pair of Eastons that were wider than the Bauers they were replacing. The pain was more related to the skate not fitting the contours of the sole of my feet than tightness.

Your problem might be arch/footbed related and not width. If your skate a poor fitting arch, you could be putting too much pressure on a nerve which might cause numbness.

Just a thought.

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Thanks for the input, gez.

Does anyone know if the Nike Flexlite 10 and Flexlite 9 are as wide as the Flexlite 12 ?

Dave: What do you mean with "[...]check out the Kölner Haie equipment show which isn't that far from your place[...]" ?

Sorry, there is a typo. It should be "equipment shop". Haie a a new shop in their practice facility. Lots of NBH and some CCM/RBK stuff, many skate choices in EE from what I've seen.

Ah i see, hey, i'd go there in the christmas vacations (2 weeks after xmas), lets meet there if you want.

Does anyone know if the Nike Flexlite 10 and Flexlite 9 are as wide as the Flexlite 12 ?

And is the V-12 as wide as the Flexlite Series ? Unfortunately, the V-12 are even more expensive than the Flexlites.

I hope the whole Flexlite Series is wide, cause im planning to buy the Flexlite 10, 9.

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Okay, im back from my trip.

I went to a hockeystore and tried several skates.

I ended up with a decision between two nicely fitting skates:

Bauer 8090 8.5EE, Easton Synergy 1300 9W

"Unfortunately" those two skates cost the same, so im not sure which one to buy. Both were nice on the feet and i felt awesome.

I wore them for like 30 minutes each, so im sure they wont kill my toes at all.

I read the reviews here, but there arent many reviews, so i'd like to ask you to gimme your $0.02...

Thanks !

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