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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM/RBK 2006 lineup changes

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Its Ovechkins signature...it has his number 8 at the end.

Whoops, my mistake. I forgot Ovechkin was the only player in the NHL who wears #8.

In fact, there is Ovechkin pic in the ad.

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I can't remember if this has been posted,but, I have heard that RBK/CCM is talking with Hefter to purchase that helmet and bring it out under the ccm VECTOR name.

Perhaps, but I have the new CCM 06 catalog and the Hefter is not in it.

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Yeah, I guess its suppose to be modeled after the old jofa bubble cages.

And For the new vectore 10.0 OPS I think it has a different blade from the 130

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I like the look of the Jofa cages better than this new RBK... It doesn't look bad by any means but the 480 still looks the best :D

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I like the look of the Jofa cages better than this new RBK... It doesn't look bad by any means but the 480 still looks the best :D

I will never use any other cage besides the 480. The main reason why I love the Jofa cages is that it isn't just one continuous strap that goes from one side buckle thing, through the chin pad, then back to the other buckle.

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are there more pics form the book or a link to site with this book.. im really intersted in seenin the new vector goalie gear . i know this is a player post but i havent seen anything on this on the goalie section

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