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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Final decision on 2 sticks

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I have come to a conslusion on what 2 sticks i am going to choose from either a m-1 grip carter or bauer xx max stick'um I figure whatever they have at peranis i will get and if they have both ill ge the xx. I always here people talking about eastons drury curve so i would like to try it. Are there any bauer curves that are the same or close to.

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I have come to a conslusion on what 2 sticks i am going to choose from either a m-1 grip carter or bauer xx max stick'um I figure whatever they have at peranis i will get and if they have both ill ge the xx. I always here people talking about eastons drury curve so i would like to try it. Are there any bauer curves that are the same or close to.

P91 Kovalchuk..Try using the pattern DB at the top of the page.

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The pattern Db says it is a Mid-Heel,but its almost Identical to the drury.

That's how NBH describes it.

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I reccomend the Vapor XX over the M-1. It seems like a lot of people disliked the blade on the M-1 because it was too soft and opened up when shooting. The Vapor XX blade is stiffer and it has good puck feel.

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I have come to a conslusion on what 2 sticks i am going to choose from either a m-1 grip carter or bauer xx max stick'um I figure whatever they have at peranis i will get and if they have both ill ge the xx. I always here people talking about eastons drury curve so i would like to try it. Are there any bauer curves that are the same or close to.

Just a word of caution about making the switch to a Drury type pattern. If you aren't used to using such a wedge or you don't roll your wrists over well with shooting then you're going to have a hard time controlling your shots with that pattern.

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I reccomend the Vapor XX over the M-1. It seems like a lot of people disliked the blade on the M-1 because it was too soft and opened up when shooting. The Vapor XX blade is stiffer and it has good puck feel.

I double-ditto that.

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I used a drury pattern once, i took 1 shoot with it and it went over the glass because i am so used to having the forsberg pattern. Before u buy and expensive stick make sure you are used to that pattern..... buy a cheap blade with that curve then try that out. if you like it good if not o well.

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great advice greener!

I did that and I like the wood blades so much better than composite... the puck feel difference is incredible and you only lose a little zip on your shot but gain so much control!

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i used the iggy(p88) for like 2 year now...but i must say that the drury is pretty nice(after using a sicore grip for 1 pratice) wrist shot are so sweet, all right and fast,(there no puck spinning or doing 360 when in the air!)

But pretty hard to stickhandle and slap shot...

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