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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New MiA Glove Pics

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  DaveTheWave said:
Any word on when the glove customizer will be up?
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According to Michel at MIA , it should be ready to go for the public pretty soon. I was playing around with it earlier, it seems to be working pretty well :ph34r:

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It's up now........seems like there are a few bugs (when I try to select tufftek with a certain combination of colours that includes white, it won't let me progress to the next screen), but it's definitely cool to play with.

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dus anyone know how long it would take to make a pair of these.

Cos my mum says she will buy me a pair for christmas?

Also which is the most lightweight foam, and best palm, i play a mixture of inline and ice if that makes any difference?

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They ask for 2 to 3 week delivery.The other is all about personal preference.But digital palm are great from ppl around me who got them.

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Nice features on the customizer, I like it very much. I am still waiting for Eagle to put one on their website for gloves. Probably in the year 2016 you will be able to Eagleize your gloves on the website, your gloves then will be shipped to you and they may arrive before aliens invade this planet let's say in the year 3045. :P

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I thought Eagle was supposed to come out with a glove customizer awhile ago. Not the only thing Eagle is taking their time with I guess. With this program from MIA added on to the problems Eagle already has with their custom program, the amount of custom Eagles made for the public will probably take a pretty big hit. I know my next pair of gloves will be MIA or Sandes and definatly not Eagle.

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And we have also been hearing the same things for about 3-4 years. There will be alot of changes, new things from Eagle, yadi yadi ya. I might do the same and buy some MIA's instead of Eagle next time that is if there aren't changes in the way Eagle manage there stuff.

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  cds said:
It's up now........seems like there are a few bugs (when I try to select tufftek with a certain combination of colours that includes white, it won't let me progress to the next screen), but it's definitely cool to play with.
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Yeah, I noticed that too. One thing I do to get around it is to try to select a different color for all the parts (since it doesn't specify which one is not letting you progress forward), then progress to the next screen, then go back to the previous page and select the colors you want. It should let you progress forward after that. It worked for me, anyway :)

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nice , since some time now , i did think about making this color sheme(ala canada) but in carbon fiber nice look...

Also what is that palm digipalm?

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  Project_2501 said:
Looks like microvent digital. Why did the other gloves I've seen say "Made in America" on to top of the wrist roll, and these say "Made in Canada"?

Edit: By the way; very nice gloves.

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Looks like they gave in. Or got busted.

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