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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What length skates do 96" laces fit on?

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With no "drooping" laces. Anyone know?

I have a size 10 skates and normally I use 108" laces but the store I go to is out and only has 96" or 120". I'm trying to figure out if the 96" will fit.

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I use 96" laces in my skates which are size 7 1/2 G5s. They are the right length and do not droop on my skates, so they will probably be too short for your skates. Go with the 120" laces. If the 120" laces are to long, try cutting them to the right length, then use a lighter to heat up the tips and harden them so you can push them through the eyelets.

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I use 96" laces in my skates which are size 7 1/2 G5s. They are the right length and do not droop on my skates, so they will probably be too short for your skates. Go with the 120" laces. If the 120" laces are to long, try cutting them to the right length, then use a lighter to heat up the tips and harden them so you can push them through the eyelets.

lol...that's what I usually end up doing but am hoping to avoid that this time since I'll be in the car on the way to the rink ;)

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96 on Mission 11EE. It seems they work for about 9 pair of eyelets for most people.

Cool...I'm going to try to put them on my 9500's...think they'll work?

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I'm never quite sure what lace fits what skate..is there any special formula or way to figure it out without unlacing the skate and measuring?

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Is it wierd that I use 130'' laces on size 9 skates? I tried 120s and they're not long enough. It depends though, My Bluemax inlines I use 108s but on my 8Ks and even on my 852s, I need 130s.

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Is it wierd that I use 130'' laces on size 9 skates? I tried 120s and they're not long enough. It depends though, My Bluemax inlines I use 108s but on my 8Ks and even on my 852s, I need 130s.

I used 108 on my old ('99/00)10 or 10.5 852s.

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Is it wierd that I use 130'' laces on size 9 skates? I tried 120s and they're not long enough. It depends though, My Bluemax inlines I use 108s but on my 8Ks and even on my 852s, I need 130s.

Nope, not weird at all. I use 108" on 7.5 Grafs and 120" on my Supreme 7000 goal skates. i think it's the primarily the width of the skates that dictate the length of laces you should use, not necessarily the number of eyeletts. But keep in mind laces stretch over time, too.

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I'm never quite sure what lace fits what skate..is there any special formula or way to figure it out without unlacing the skate and measuring?

General guide:

84" for youth skates

96" for JR to size 6

108" for Sr to size 10

120 above that

So many varaibles, MANY like to wrap around, and many dont do top 2 eyelets.

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