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gloves: multiple density vs. plastic inserts

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i've been thinking about this since my friend got his mia's that come with multiple density foam padding. what's the advantage/disadvantage when it comes to duel density vs. plastic insert protection? the last few gloves i owned had plastic inserts. to me, it just makes me feel more protected than just a pure foam glove.

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I'd rather have MIA's tri-density foam setup, because of how it will transfer energy. A plastic plate will push down on the softer foam (or harder, thus hurting) and potentially hurt. The glove will give a bit with poly-density foams and soak up a lot more.

(This is my interpritation of this. Not fact.)

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IMO the plastic helps disperse the energy of the impact to more area of foam. I currently have x-70s which have single density foam. I have had no problems with slashes or anything. I dont really have a preference for the type of foam used in glove.

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I'd rather have MIA's tri-density foam setup, because of how it will transfer energy. A plastic plate will push down on the softer foam (or harder, thus hurting) and potentially hurt. The glove will give a bit with poly-density foams and soak up a lot more.

(This is my interpritation of this. Not fact.)

multi-density foam isn't a bad idea but plastic inserts are the way to go for ultimate protection. You aren't going to have an insert causing an injury. The only benefits to skipping the plastic inserts would be cost reduction and inserts can push through the outer skin of the glove.

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i heard hard types of foam say eagle x80 are more protective then plastic inserts sometimes

It would depend on the thickness of each

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The plastic inserts in my old 03 Z-airs pushed through the outside of the glove and made holes. I haven't used any other pleather glove with plastic inserts since, but I've had nylon gloves with plastic inserts and they held up fine.

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