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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton sticks 06'

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Has anyone had experiences with the new SL?

Its supposed to be stronger then the 05 sL is this been true for you ?

The stealth is supposed to have the CNT blade would that mean that the feel of the balde would be the same as the Sl or the same as b4?

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Where can I see a pic of the o6 sl?

Try the Easton Catalogue that is posted in the '06 Catalogue section.

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they are shit. i had 05 SLs forever, went to the 06 SL grip, crackign blade after 3 ice times, thanks easton.

not only that, my backup is an easton ST, worst stick in the universe, so much harder and stiffer blades then the old syn bombs

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hey Yglod11 Would you sell me your shaft then??

For me, i've never used a OPS but synthesis blade are holding very-well(more than 1 year) and i love easton shaft...

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I've broken so many Easton sticks/blades that I've had it. I won't buy another stick from them for a LONG time. It's pathetic that these $150+ sticks last only a couple of weeks or even a couple of days.

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How about the '06 Synergy II tapered blade (lighter replacement of the Synthesis)? Has anyone tried it? Also, epuck already has them in Forsberg, Iginla, Sakic, and Lidstrom, but I'm looking for a Drury (Easton catalogue says they'll be available in the Drury). Has anyone come across a place that has Drury Synergy II blades?

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How about the '06 Synergy II tapered blade (lighter replacement of the Synthesis)? Has anyone tried it? Also, epuck already has them in Forsberg, Iginla, Sakic, and Lidstrom, but I'm looking for a Drury (Easton catalogue says they'll be available in the Drury). Has anyone come across a place that has Drury Synergy II blades?

wut? im not seeing these blades on epuck?

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How about the '06 Synergy II tapered blade (lighter replacement of the Synthesis)?  Has anyone tried it?  Also, epuck already has them in Forsberg, Iginla, Sakic, and Lidstrom, but I'm looking for a Drury (Easton catalogue says they'll be available in the Drury).  Has anyone come across a place that has Drury Synergy II blades?

wut? im not seeing these blades on epuck?

Brainfart on my part. I meant to say inlinewarehouse.com

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