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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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check out nazzy gloves n stick

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They seem to be the new NBH gloves that Jbyun posted about...the ones that look like skeleton hands.

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I think the main thing that makes the gloves ugly is the colour. Canucks colours look pretty sharp IMO. I guess nazzy just switched to 6000 Wood?

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Agreed, the colors in the catalog make those one90's look like poo-poo......but there they look tolerable.....we'll see how they fit!

lookin @ nazzy's gloves makes me wanna try on these gloves even more. Why do I always have a hard time deciding what I want next?! Vapor XXX Gloves or Supreme 90s :rolleyes:

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wasn't the new logo originally the same as McCaw's own Orca Bay company? there is a serious problem with that..associating your company logo with the name of the team

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Agreed about the practice jerseys. Anyone in Vancouver wanna hook us up?

I'm pretty sure they're impossible to find. I've never seen them in retail stores.

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Boys, about the glove, this is SO TRUE, the glove look great in person and in those color, I liked them very much, I just hope they were not a tight fit and I would have them, that's all. In the catalogue, they look very weird, but in person, it's not the samething.

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wasn't the new logo originally the same as McCaw's own Orca Bay company? there is a serious problem with that..associating your company logo with the name of the team

Yeah, that would be like using a team name to promote a bad movie franchise. :blink:

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