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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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check out nazzy gloves n stick

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So Kovy , what are the difference between these and the XX? i mean,both are tight fit,both have strech palm, so what the diff?

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So Kovy , what are the difference between these and the XX? i mean,both are tight fit,both have strech palm, so what the diff?

I'm guessing these new ones will be tighter, probally more like the quest gloves. They look pretty narrow and stuff.

I still think the XXX is a better retail glove because of poly inserts and the palm.

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wasn't the new logo originally the same as McCaw's own Orca Bay company? there is a serious problem with that..associating your company logo with the name of the team

Nope, but the colours are the same.

I can't find the logo but there are definite similarities but on the other hand one can easily justify the Canucks logo with Vancouver seeing as how Vancouver Island is practically the starting point of knowledge for all things killer whale.

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I think we have the XXX Goal sticks .. I saw one of my managers with like 3 of them talking to a kid and his dad about them cause he was buying his kid a full set of goal gear.

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I was just looking at some pics on Gettyimages the other day, and I noticed that Naslund doesn't wear pants anymore, he switched to a girdle thingy. Just thougt it was funny because my coach, who played pretty good hockey and has been to like the san jose training camp and stuff said nobobdy in the NHL would ever wear a girdle. Now Naslund, an nhl star, does.

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I think alot of guys wear girdles now. I've also seen some players, after getting traded and being on a new team for awhile, wear the shells over their old pants instead of wearing new color pants. Can breakin be that bad for pants?

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I was just looking at some pics on Gettyimages the other day, and I noticed that Naslund doesn't wear pants anymore, he switched to a girdle thingy. Just thougt it was funny because my coach, who played pretty good hockey and has been to like the san jose training camp and stuff said nobobdy in the NHL would ever wear a girdle. Now Naslund, an nhl star, does.

Wrong - a lot of pros wear girdles.

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I was just looking at some pics on Gettyimages the other day, and I noticed that Naslund doesn't wear pants anymore, he switched to a girdle thingy.  Just thougt it was funny because my coach, who played pretty good hockey and has been to like the san jose training camp and stuff said nobobdy in the NHL would ever wear a girdle.  Now Naslund, an nhl star, does.

Wrong - a lot of pros wear girdles.

It's still not more than 10-15% from what I've seen.

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