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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good stick

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what is a good stick for a roller and ice player that takes a lot of slapshots from half??

i'm looking for a stick that'll give the slappers just a bit more kick. right now i'm using an int. diamondback fury.

any info on good slapshot sticks/blades/curves would be appreciated

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what is a good stick for a roller and ice player that takes a lot of slapshots from half??

i'm looking for a stick that'll give the slappers just a bit more kick. right now i'm using an int. diamondback fury.

any info on good slapshot sticks/blades/curves would be appreciated

Are you using the OPS or the shaft? If you're using the OPS, how does it feel for inline? I like the feel of their comp blades for ice, but I prefer TPS for shaft performance.

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i'm using their OPS right now, i've heard good things about the xn10, what curves are best for slapshots??

There aren't really any "good" slapshot curves. It's whatever works for you. I like a flatter curve for shooting any kind of shot but a guy like Kovalchuk uses a huge hook for a curve and he's got one hell of a bullet for a slapper.

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how is the diamondback?? how is the grip too?

i like it a lot, my last stick was a junior redlight xn10 shaft with a focus flex blade, and i had no slapshot couse it was so flexy.

also the grip was good for me, not to sticky but not too smooth

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i'm using their OPS right now, i've heard good things about the xn10, what curves are best for slapshots??

The puck feel on the blades and OPS is very good but the performance on the TPS XN10 blows it away.

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how is the diamondback?? how is the grip too?

i like it a lot, my last stick was a junior redlight xn10 shaft with a focus flex blade, and i had no slapshot couse it was so flexy.

also the grip was good for me, not to sticky but not too smooth

A guy on my team has a Diamondback. Grip felt decent, but blade-heavy as heck.

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I like using shafts with an ABS blade compared to using one piece or wood for roller. I wouldn't recommend a specific curve since it's all personal preference. I would go for something one flex down from when you play ice. Ex. If you use a 100 Z-Bubble for ice, get an 85 Z-Bubble.

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My buddy has a pro stock diamondback..The grip WILL NOT come off lol...Its amazing..Hes had it for a year and uses it 2-3 times a week and the grip is still all there

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Mickz: What do you feel is the best ABS blade? Have been playing with a Koho 4440 in my XX shaft, but the blade tends to go soft pretty fast, presumeably because you can bend it with your hands even before the first use ;)

I'm thinking maybe CCM v60? Play on grinded/smoothed out asphalt, and from time to time, wood, concrete, epoxy & sportscourt :ph34r:

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